// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: sfshield.pov
// Vers: 3.1
// Desc: A shot at the Star Fleet Shield
// Date: 14 Nov '00
// Last: 15 Nov '00
// Auth: Dawn McKnight
// You need Chris Colefax's "Galaxy.inc" package to render this scene as
I've written it.
// It's available at http://www.geocities.com/ccolefax/
// If you don't have it, and don't wish to use it, comment out all the
includes except
// colors and metals.
#include "colors.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#declare star_color_turb = 1
#declare star_brightness_turb = 1
#include "galaxy.sf"
#declare galaxy_object_name = "Nebula3"
#declare galaxy_cluster_name = "Star4"
#include "GALAXY.OBJ"
#declare galaxy_object_name = "Comet2"
#declare galaxy_cluster_name = ""
#include "GALAXY.OBJ"
light_source { <0, 300, 0> White }
camera {
location <-3, 20, 0>
look_at <-3, 0, 0>
#declare BaseSFShield = // the familiar delta shield
prism {
-0.5, // height 1
0.5, // height 2
10, // number of points
<-4, 4>, // control point 1
<5, 0>, // this is the point that has to match
<-0.6, -3>,
<-8, -4.9>,
<-9.8, -4.8>,
<-5, -1>,
<-11, 5>,
<-4, 4>,
<5, 0>, // matched.
<-0.6, -3> // control point 2
scale 0.9*z
} // close prism
#local BSFS1 = // The beginning of doing the fancy badge. Identical
shape as above, but conic_sweep
prism {
conic_sweep // or conic_sweep for tapering to a point
cubic_spline // linear_spline | quadratic_spline | cubic_spline
0, // height 1
1, // height 2
10, // number of points
// the <u,v> points
<-4, 4>, // control point 1
<5, 0>, // this is the point that has to match
<-0.6, -3>,
<-8, -4.9>,
<-9.8, -4.8>,
<-5, -1>,
<-11, 5>,
<-4, 4>,
<5, 0>, // matched.
<-0.6, -3> // control point 2
scale 0.9*z
} // close prism BSFS1
#local BSFS2 = // this one is mirrored by z, so that when it's rotated
for the effect of the conic
// sweep, it'll end up with the same outline as the first one.
prism {
conic_sweep // or conic_sweep for tapering to a point
cubic_spline // linear_spline | quadratic_spline | cubic_spline
0, // height 1
1, // height 2
10, // number of points
// the <u,v> points
<-4, -4>, // control point 1
<5, 0>, // this is the point that has to match
<-0.6, 3>,
<-8, 4.9>,
<-9.8, 4.8>,
<-5, 1>,
<-11, -5>,
<-4, -4>,
<5, 0>
<-0.6, 3> // control point 2
scale 0.9*z
} // close prism BSFS2
#local BSFS3 = merge {
object { BaseSFShield translate 1.49999*y }
object { BSFS1 }
} // close merge BSFS3
#local FancySFS =
difference {
object { BSFS2 rotate 180*x translate 1*y }
object { BSFS3 translate -0.75*y }
}//close difference FancySFS
#local FBP = // fancy base plate... or half of it, anyway.
prism {
0, // height 1
-1, // height 2
5, // number of points
// the <u,v> points
<4.5, 0.25>, <-13, 0.25>, <-11, 4>, <2.5, 4>, <4.5, 0.25>
} // close prism FBP
#declare ComBadge = union {
object { FancySFS texture { T_Silver_3C } }
difference {
object { FBP texture { T_Gold_3A } }
object {
scale <0.95, 0.95, 0.93>
texture { pigment { color NavyBlue } finish { F_MetalC } }
translate <-0.2, 0.1, 0.15>
} // close object FBP
} // close difference
difference {
object { FBP rotate 180*x scale 0.95*x translate <.5, -1, 0> texture {
T_Gold_3A } }
object {
rotate 180*x
scale 0.95*x
translate <.5, -1, 0>
texture { pigment { color NavyBlue } finish { F_MetalC } }
scale <0.95, 0.95, 0.93>
translate <-0.2, 0.1, -0.15>
} // close object FBP
} // close difference
} // close union ComBadge
object { ComBadge }
Dawn McKnight | "Who cares what the hipbone's connected to? I'm in Neurology!"
McK### [at] maccom | -- Justine Devlin, M.D.
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