// Fibonacci or Golden numbers. Make sun-flower head, pine-cones etc.
// One of many sources:
// http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibnat.html
// Phi is approx 1.618
// phi = Phi-1 = (sqrt(5)-1)/2 = 0.61803399
// radius = sqrt(count), theta = count*360*phi degrees
// Use radius to modify other parameters such as seed size.
#version 3.1;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
#include "colors.inc"
camera{ location y*14 angle 40 look_at 0 }
light_source { 50 1 }
#default{ finish{ phong 0.6 phong_size 100 diffuse 0.6} }
#declare phi= (sqrt(5)-1)/2;
#declare Inc = phi*360;
// First component's offset to avoid a messy center.
#declare Offset=0.5; // May also prevent a div_by_zero error
#declare MaxCount=1400;
#declare Count=0;
blob{ threshold 0.6
#while (Count<MaxCount)
#declare Rad = sqrt(Count+Offset)/10; // Scaler
sphere{ z*Rad, 0.133, 1 rotate y*Count*Inc }
#declare Count=Count+1;
pigment{ Cyan }
#declare Count=0;
#while (Count<MaxCount)
#declare Rad = sqrt(Count+Offset)/10; // Scaler, sets sphere
sphere{ z*Rad, 0.1 rotate y*Count*Inc }
#declare Count=Count+1;
pigment{ Yellow }
bounded_by{ box{ <-4,-0.2,-4>,<0,0.2,4>} }
clipped_by { bounded_by }
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