![](/i/fill.gif) |
Here is the code for an image I posted
31. March in povray.binaries.images
Tor Olav
// =====================================================================
// Copyright 2000 by Tor Olav Kristensen.
// mailto:tor### [at] hotmail com
// http://www.crosswinds.net/~tok/tokrays.html
// =====================================================================
// Sphere with smooth bumps made with CSG (spheres, toruses and cones)
// The bumps are placed in the middle of the pentagons and hexagons
// of a Buckminsterfullerene.
// (See the web page above for images of Buckminsterfullerenes.)
// =====================================================================
#version 3.1;
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#declare Origo = <0, 0, 0>;
// =====================================================================
// Just some of my old macros
#macro Pythagoras(hyp, kat)
sqrt(vdot(<hyp, -kat>, <hyp, kat>))
#end // macro Pythagoras
/* // Not needed here right now
#macro Cosinus(aa, bb, cc)
(vdot(<aa, bb, -cc>, <aa, bb, cc>)/(2*aa*bb))
#end // macro Cosinus
// The next macro returns two angles (stored in a vector)
// The first is the angle between Vector and the Y-axis
// The second is the angle between the projection
// of Vector to the XZ-plane and the X-axis
#macro VectorAngles(Vector)
<acos(vnormalize((x+z)*Vector).x)*(Vector.z < 0 ? -1 : 1),
#end // macro VectorAngles
// This macro returns the object; Thing, "tilted" in the
// direction of the vector; TiltVector
#macro vtilt(Thing, TVector)
#local RotateAngles = VectorAngles(TVector);
object {
rotate degrees(RotateAngles.x)*y
rotate -degrees(RotateAngles.y)*z
rotate -degrees(RotateAngles.x)*y
#end // macro vtilt
// =====================================================================
// I used the points below to find suitable locations
// for my bumps.
// To make a "Buckyball" with them, just make 12 cylinder-
// pentagons from 5 and 5 subsequent points in the array.
#declare NrOfBuckyPts = 60;
#declare BuckyArray =
array[NrOfBuckyPts] {
< 2.226730, 0.594920, 2.684200>,
< 3.134080, 0.161810, 1.635440>,
< 3.250250, 1.240130, 0.668290>,
< 2.414560, 2.339640, 1.119120>,
< 1.782170, 1.940950, 2.364960>,
< 1.342130, -0.311850, 3.256820>,
<-0.027000, 0.086540, 3.535890>,
<-0.890470, -1.048410, 3.257750>,
<-0.054970, -2.148180, 2.806770>,
< 1.324810, -1.692910, 2.806120>,
< 3.117650, -1.159560, 1.204400>,
< 2.193000, -2.107290, 1.802560>,
< 1.720910, -2.995760, 0.754440>,
< 2.353890, -2.597090, -0.491290>,
< 3.216930, -1.462050, -0.213260>,
< 3.345290, 0.950710, -0.688050>,
< 3.328380, -0.430390, -1.138540>,
< 2.581820, -0.487170, -2.383660>,
< 2.137050, 0.858790, -2.702690>,
< 2.608990, 1.747420, -1.654660>,
< 1.709970, 3.101980, 0.194250>,
< 1.809270, 2.799410, -1.223290>,
< 0.501490, 3.010120, -1.820490>,
<-0.406030, 3.443130, -0.771880>,
< 0.340880, 3.499990, 0.473170>,
< 0.472290, 2.321910, 2.631870>,
<-0.264220, 3.118480, 1.665080>,
<-1.643750, 2.662990, 1.665550>,
<-1.759930, 1.585190, 2.632880>,
<-0.452190, 1.374270, 3.230230>,
<-2.230680, -0.584280, -2.701320>,
<-3.138380, -0.151090, -1.652660>,
<-3.254550, -1.228980, -0.685460>,
<-2.418840, -2.328500, -1.136370>,
<-1.785970, -1.930080, -2.382100>,
<-1.346280, 0.322850, -3.273640>,
< 0.023000, -0.074940, -3.552420>,
< 0.885930, 1.060390, -3.274220>,
< 0.049970, 2.159870, -2.823390>,
<-1.329630, 1.704060, -2.823020>,
<-3.122300, 1.170370, -1.221530>,
<-2.197990, 2.118350, -1.819620>,
<-1.725990, 3.007160, -0.771470>,
<-2.358450, 2.608490, 0.474240>,
<-3.221550, 1.473440, 0.196030>,
<-3.349590, -0.938890, 0.670910>,
<-3.332630, 0.442150, 1.121470>,
<-2.585870, 0.499300, 2.366750>,
<-2.141500, -0.846500, 2.686090>,
<-2.613600, -1.735240, 1.637920>,
<-1.714530, -3.090350, -0.211190>,
<-1.814140, -2.787320, 1.206480>,
<-0.506670, -2.998220, 1.803800>,
< 0.400930, -3.431500, 0.755070>,
<-0.345460, -3.488360, -0.490180>,
<-0.475910, -2.310710, -2.648970>,
< 0.260190, -3.107130, -1.682110>,
< 1.639710, -2.651480, -1.682710>,
< 1.756120, -1.573340, -2.649740>,
< 0.448510, -1.362650, -3.246970>
// Not needed for this scene.
// This array contains information about how to select pairs
// of points in the BuckyArray that are to be used as endpoints
// in e.g. cylinders so that they ties the pentagons together.
#declare OtherLines =
array[30][2] {
{ 00, 05 }, { 01, 10 }, { 02, 15 }, { 03, 20 }, { 04, 25 },
{ 09, 11 }, { 14, 16 }, { 19, 21 }, { 24, 26 }, { 29, 06 },
{ 35, 30 }, { 40, 31 }, { 45, 32 }, { 50, 33 }, { 55, 34 },
{ 39, 41 }, { 44, 46 }, { 49, 51 }, { 54, 56 }, { 59, 36 },
{ 07, 48 }, { 12, 53 }, { 17, 58 }, { 22, 38 }, { 27, 43 },
{ 08, 52 }, { 13, 57 }, { 18, 37 }, { 23, 42 }, { 28, 47 }
// If you like to make the hexagons in a "Buckyball instead
// of pentagons, then you need this information.
// Just use the array below to look up which pair of points
// in the BuckyArray to use for the cylinders.
// Note that if you render all of them, then some of the
// cylinders will "double"
#declare Hexagons =
array [20][6][2] {
{ { 00,05 }, { 05,09 }, { 09,11 }, { 11,10 }, { 10,01 }, { 01,00 } },
{ { 01,10 }, { 10,14 }, { 14,16 }, { 16,15 }, { 15,02 }, { 02,01 } },
{ { 02,15 }, { 15,19 }, { 19,21 }, { 21,20 }, { 20,03 }, { 03,02 } },
{ { 03,20 }, { 20,24 }, { 24,26 }, { 26,25 }, { 25,04 }, { 04,03 } },
{ { 04,25 }, { 25,29 }, { 29,06 }, { 06,05 }, { 05,00 }, { 00,04 } },
{ { 09,08 }, { 08,52 }, { 52,53 }, { 53,12 }, { 12,11 }, { 11,09 } },
{ { 14,13 }, { 13,57 }, { 57,58 }, { 58,17 }, { 17,16 }, { 16,14 } },
{ { 19,18 }, { 18,37 }, { 37,38 }, { 38,22 }, { 22,21 }, { 21,19 } },
{ { 24,23 }, { 23,42 }, { 42,43 }, { 43,27 }, { 27,26 }, { 26,24 } },
{ { 29,28 }, { 28,47 }, { 47,48 }, { 48,07 }, { 07,06 }, { 06,29 } },
{ { 30,35 }, { 35,39 }, { 39,41 }, { 41,40 }, { 40,31 }, { 31,30 } },
{ { 31,40 }, { 40,44 }, { 44,46 }, { 46,45 }, { 45,32 }, { 32,31 } },
{ { 32,45 }, { 45,49 }, { 49,51 }, { 51,50 }, { 50,33 }, { 33,32 } },
{ { 33,50 }, { 50,54 }, { 54,56 }, { 56,55 }, { 55,34 }, { 34,33 } },
{ { 34,55 }, { 55,59 }, { 59,36 }, { 36,35 }, { 35,30 }, { 30,34 } },
{ { 39,38 }, { 38,22 }, { 22,23 }, { 23,42 }, { 42,41 }, { 41,39 } },
{ { 44,43 }, { 43,27 }, { 27,28 }, { 28,47 }, { 47,46 }, { 46,44 } },
{ { 49,48 }, { 48,07 }, { 07,08 }, { 08,52 }, { 52,51 }, { 51,49 } },
{ { 54,53 }, { 53,12 }, { 12,13 }, { 13,57 }, { 57,56 }, { 56,54 } },
{ { 59,58 }, { 58,17 }, { 17,18 }, { 18,37 }, { 37,36 }, { 36,59 } }
// Find and store the points in the middle of each of the 12 pentagons
#declare NrOfPents = 12; // Number of pentagons
#declare PentagonMids = array[NrOfPents]
#declare Counter = 0;
#while (Counter < NrOfPents)
#declare Cnt = Counter*5;
#declare PentagonMids[Counter] =
(BuckyArray[Cnt + 00] +
BuckyArray[Cnt + 01] +
BuckyArray[Cnt + 02] +
BuckyArray[Cnt + 03] +
BuckyArray[Cnt + 04])/5;
#declare Counter = Counter+1;
#end // while
// Find and store the points in middle of each of the hexagons
#declare NrOfHexs = 20; // Number of hexagons
#declare HexagonMids = array[NrOfHexs]
#declare Counter = 0;
#while (Counter < NrOfHexs)
#declare HexagonMids[Counter] =
(BuckyArray[Hexagons[Counter][0][0]] +
BuckyArray[Hexagons[Counter][1][0]] +
BuckyArray[Hexagons[Counter][2][0]] +
BuckyArray[Hexagons[Counter][3][0]] +
BuckyArray[Hexagons[Counter][4][0]] +
#declare Counter = Counter+1;
#end // while
#undef Hexagons
#undef BuckyArray
// Now copy all these point into a new matrix vOut (vector Out)
// Also make the length of all of these vectors equal to 1
// ( Don't mind me mixing up points and vectors :] )
#declare vNr = NrOfPents + NrOfHexs;
#declare vOut = array[vNr]
#declare Counter = 0;
#while (Counter < NrOfPents)
#declare vOut[Counter] = vnormalize(PentagonMids[Counter]);
#declare Counter = Counter+1;
#end // while
#declare Counter = 0;
#while (Counter < NrOfHexs)
#declare vOut[NrOfPents + Counter] = vnormalize(HexagonMids[Counter]);
#declare Counter = Counter+1;
#end // while
// =====================================================================
// Try experimenting with these values
// (I haven't had time to make the geometry and CSG below "robust"
// so you may get strange/wrong results with some values.)
#declare MSC = Origo; // Main Sphere Center
#declare R1 = 12; // For the main sphere
#declare R2 = 1.5; // For the edges around the bumps (toruses minor)
#declare R3 = 3; // For the bottoms of the bumps (small spheres)
// =====================================================================
// First some geometry calculations
// (I should have added or subtracted the dd value below from
// some of the values below, just to make differences in the
// CSG's correct, but the scene rendered ok, so I have not done
// this yet.)
#declare dd = 0.0001;
#declare EE = (pow(R2, 2)/2 + R3*(R1 + R2))/R1;
#declare FF = R1 - EE;
#declare GG = Pythagoras(R2 + R3, EE);
#declare OO = R1*GG/FF;
#declare PP = R1*GG/EE;
// Some other geometrical values that I might need later for
// making the geometry and CSG tolerate all legal combinations
// of R1, R2 and R3
#declare QQ = R1/(R1 - R3);
#declare RR = R2/(R2 + R3);
#declare JJ = FF*QQ;
#declare II = GG*QQ;
#declare KK = EE*RR;
#declare LL = GG*RR;
#declare MM = R1 - KK;
#declare NN = R1 - R2;
// =====================================================================
// And then the CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry)
// First take a sphere and cut out of it some conical holes for the
#declare vCnt = 0;
#declare MainSphere =
difference {
sphere { MSC, R1 }
#while (vCnt < vNr)
cone { MSC, 0, MSC + R1*vOut[vCnt], OO }
/* // Just a helping "line" to see the real size of the bump
object {
vtilt(torus { II 0.3 }, vOut[vCnt])
translate MSC + JJ*vOut[vCnt]
#declare vCnt = vCnt+1;
#end // while
// Then model all the smooth edges around the holes with some cut
#declare vCnt = 0;
#declare TorusParts =
merge {
#while (vCnt < vNr)
difference {
object {
vtilt(torus { GG, R3 }, vOut[vCnt])
translate MSC + FF*vOut[vCnt]
cone { MSC, PP, MSC + R1*vOut[vCnt], 0 }
cone { MSC, 0, MSC + R1*vOut[vCnt], OO inverse }
#declare vCnt = vCnt+1;
#end // while
// Make the bottoms of the bumps by subtracting spheres from some cones.
// Maybe I should have chosen to cut from a cylinder instead of cones,
// but it's too late to try that for this posting.
#declare vCnt = 0;
#declare SphereHoles =
merge {
#while (vCnt < vNr)
difference {
union {
cone { MSC + FF*vOut[vCnt], GG, MSC + R1*vOut[vCnt], 0 }
cone { MSC, OO, MSC + R1*vOut[vCnt], 0 }
sphere { MSC + R1*vOut[vCnt], R2 }
#declare vCnt = vCnt+1;
#end // while
// Attempt to make the interior of the sphere complete in case I
// wanted to cut in it. But I think there is something wrong here.
// So don't look inside my bumpy sphere ;)
#declare vCnt = 0;
#declare FillCones =
merge {
#while (vCnt < vNr)
cone { MSC, 0, MSC + FF*vOut[vCnt], GG }
#declare vCnt = vCnt+1;
#end // while
// =====================================================================
// Assemble it all
merge {
object { MainSphere }
object { SphereHoles }
object { TorusParts }
// object { FillCones }
texture { Soft_Silver }
bounded_by { sphere { MSC, R1 + dd } }
// =====================================================================
// Then do the things I know little about
sky_sphere {
pigment {
turbulence 0.6
octaves 6
omega 0.7
lambda 2
color_map {
[0.0 color rgb < 0.0, 0.0, 0.9>]
[0.3 color rgb < 0.2, 0.2, 0.9>]
[1.0 color rgb < 0.9, 0.9, 0.9>]
scale < 1, 0.3, 2>
rotate 120*y
plane {
y, -80
pigment { Blood_Marble scale 800 }
// =====================================================================
// Let loose some light-rays
light_source { <-1000, 1000, 100 >, White/2 }
light_source { < 800, 200, 1000>, White/2 }
light_source { <-1200, 10000, 1000>, White/2 }
// and then try to catch some of them
camera {
location <12, 0, -10>*2
look_at MSC
// =====================================================================
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![](/i/fill.gif) |