The water is bright no matter what in this. Seems to me it might be
an angle-dependent reflection thing.
Try adjusting the rgb values of the water plane to 0,0,0 and 1,1,1
and render those in both Megapov and the Superpatch. You will get
different results. Megapov will cause the cone to cast a shadow on the
water, something that doesn't usually happen with a 100% filtering
Is the water supposed to be bright like that? It is bright, even
without a sky_sphere. It seems to me to be a flaw, like a forgotten
thing in the code (in both patches).
I would *really* like to use the angle-dependent reflection to make
realistic water, but this problem persists. Anyone have a work-around
for it?
camera{ location<0,15,-30> look_at y*6 }
light_source{ <100000,200000,-50000>,<1.2,1.2,1> }
sky_sphere{ pigment{ gradient y color_map{ [0 rgb<.5 .7 1>][1 rgb<.1 .3
.8>] } } }
plane{ y,-.5
pigment{ rgbf<.5 .5 .5 1> }
finish{ reflection_min .2 reflection_max 1 phong 1 }
interior{ ior 1.2 }
plane{ y,-10 pigment{ rgb 1 } }
cone{ <0,-10,0>,4,<0,10,0>,0 pigment{ rgb 1 } }
Samuel Benge
E-Mail: STB### [at] aolcom
Visit the still unfinished isosurface tutorial:
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If you change the
pigment{ rgbf<.5 .5 .5 1> }
in the water to
pigment{ rgbf<1, 1, 1, 1> }
the shadow will not appear. This probably has something to do with the
reflection balancing features, which make a more physically correct
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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SamuelT. <STB### [at] aolcom> wrote...
> The water is bright no matter what in this. Seems to me it might be
> an angle-dependent reflection thing.
This is not so much of a bug as a lacking feature. You see, POV originally
did not have angle-dependent textures, so you could get by with a constant
Now that angle-dependent textures are available, we need to allow filter and
transmit to be dependent on the reflection value.
So, in the next release of MegaPov, there will be available a flag that you
can put in your finish statement called "conserve_energy". When reflection
increases, filter/transmit will decrease proportionally. (e.g. If
reflection is calculated to be 80%, your filter & transmit will be
multiplied by 0.20 which is 20%.) This will conserve energy and keep things
'balanced', as Chris says.
Note that diffuse and ambient will not be affected by this automatic
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