Here is the source code for my plateaus (see binaries.images). It uses a
cylindrical pigment with other stuff. I don't know if this will work
with all versions of pov or not.
global_settings{hf_gray_16 on ambient_light 0}
camera{location<0,10,0>look_at<0,0,0> orthographic}
cylindrical scale<6,1,4> turbulence .4
[0 rgb 0][.3 rgb .15][.55 rgb .4][.65 rgb .95][1 rgb 1]
texture{pigment{bumps turbulence .7 scale .5 color_map{[.3 rgbt<0 0 0
1>][1 rgbt<0 0 0 .8>]}}}
Samuel Benge
STB### [at] aolcom
"And you can fly
High as a kite if you want to
Faster than light if you want to
Speeding through the universe
Thinking is the best way to travel"
-The Best Way to Travel, The Moody Blues
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