By request, this where I started converting the old woods. If you check you
will see that most of the work is just clipped out of woods.inc.
This does require the superpatch.
Without further ado, bastardization at it's best.
gri### [at] netzerocom
#declare G_Wood10A = color_map
[0,.5 color rgb <1,.85,.5> color rgb <.9,.7,.46>]
[.5,.7 color rgb <.9,.7,.46> color rgb <.9,.7,.46>]
[.7,1 color rgb <.9,.7,.46> color rgb <1,.85,.5>] }
#declare G_Wood10B = color_map
[0,.5 color rgbf <1,.45,.1,.8> color rgbf <.85,.65,.4,.4>]
[.5,.7 color rgbf <.85,.65,.4,.4> color rgbf <.85,.65,.4,.4>]
[.7,1 color rgbf <.85,.65,.4,.4> color rgbf <1,.45,.1,.8>] }
#declare GT_Wood10 = texture
pigment { wood turbulence .02 octaves 4 lambda 3 scale .175 rotate
color_map { G_Wood10A } turbulence .3
warp { black_hole .25,3 falloff .25 strength 5 } } }
texture { pigment { wood turbulence .02 octaves 4 lambda 2.8 scale .2
rotate <2,2,0> translate <.0175,.0175,.0175>
color_map { G_Wood10B } turbulence .3
warp { black_hole .25,3 falloff .25 strength 5 } } }
#declare GrimGrain = pigment { wood turbulence <.5,.8,1000> octaves 4 }
#declare GrimGrain2 = pigment { wood turbulence <.3,.1,200> scale
<1,1,100000> }
#declare GrimT_Wood2 = union {
pattern 20,60 { hf_gray_16 GrimGrain color_map { G_Wood10A }
warp { black_hole .6,3 falloff .25 strength 30 } turbulence 4 }
texture { GT_Wood10 } translate <-.5,-.5,-.5> }
pattern 20,60 { hf_gray_16 GrimGrain2 color_map { G_Wood10B }
warp { black_hole .6,3 falloff .25 strength 30 } turbulence 4 }
texture { GT_Wood10 } translate <-.5,-.5,-.5> }
scale <2.95,.3,24.95> }
camera { location <-4.5,4,-6> direction z look_at <0,-1.5,0> }
light_source { <-30,30,-35> color rgb <1,1,.9> fade_distance 55 fade_power
.1 }
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