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// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: litebulb.pov
// Vers: 3.1
// Desc: household incandescent bulb (60 Watt)
// Date: 99.7
// Auth: Bob Hughes mailto:inv### [at] aolcom?Subject=PoV-Scene
// Note: This is set up as a scene file, to use only the bulb itself
you will need to set
// the Scene switch to off and use LB as the object in your
own scenes (using this as a include).
// _C_ must be defined also for using the light intensity you
want (see the Lightbulb section).
// Bulb dimensions are approximately 2.5 units H by 1.55 W & D
with light fading starting at 9 units
// centered at about <0,0.75,0>.
// Keep in mind the light output is not relevant to real
lightbulbs :-)
#declare Scene=on;
#if (Scene!=off)
global_settings {
max_trace_level 9
ambient_light <1.5,1.5,1.5>*.75
radiosity {
brightness 3
count 123
distance_maximum 3 // 1/3 camera to object distance
error_bound 0.38
gray_threshold 0.4
low_error_factor 0.7
minimum_reuse 0.018
nearest_count 7
recursion_limit 1
// Set a color of the background. NOTE: this affects scene reflections
background {
color red 0.125 green 0.125 blue 0.125
// white pointlight and camera with variable positions
#declare LCX = 0;
#declare LCY = 0;
#declare LCZ = -9;
// rotation vectors (adjust for varying placements)
#declare RLX = 40; #declare RCX = 22.5;
#declare RLY = 33; #declare RCY = -15;
#declare RLZ = 0; #declare RCZ = 0;
// external light
light_source { <LCX,LCY,LCZ-15> color rgb <1.5,1.5,1.5>*.333 // *.667
approximates color rgb 1
spotlight point_at 0 radius 15 falloff 20
rotate RLX*x rotate RLY*y rotate RLZ*z
camera {
location <LCX,LCY,LCZ>
rotate RCX*x rotate RCY*y rotate RCZ*z
angle 33
look_at <0, .75, 0>
// scene surroundings
// room
box {<-75,-12.5,-50>,<75,25,50> hollow on
pigment {rgb 1} finish {ambient .15 diffuse .85}}
// tabletop
box {<-10,-1.1,-10>,<10,-1,10> pigment {rgb 1} finish {ambient .1
diffuse .8}}
// misc. objects
sphere {0,1 pigment {blue 1} translate <1.25,0,3>}
cone {-y,1,y,0 pigment {green 1} translate <-1.75,.01,2.125>}
box {-1,1 pigment {red 1} translate <-5,.01,5>}
#end // use scene or not
/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Lightbulb
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
// Clock animation variable declaration, use as part of vectors and/or
#declare _C_ = .667; // clock; // light intensity [0 to 1 typically]
// scale factor [inversely proportional to end scale, ie. LB at 0.5
would be 2 here]
#declare SF = 1; // change this according to any rescaling to be done
(due to media changes)
// lightbulb threads
#declare Thread =
union {union {
difference { // threads
cylinder {-y,y,1.1}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate -1*y}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate -.5*y}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate 0*y}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate .5*y}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate 1*y}
} // difference
cone {0,1,.15*y,1.05 scale 1.05 translate 1*y} // upper thread lip
cone {0,1,-.42*y,.667 scale 1.05 translate -1*y} // thread base
texture {pigment {rgb<.985,.98,.99>*2}
finish {ambient .025 diffuse .7 metallic brilliance -.075
reflection .5 reflection_exponent .9
specular .9 roughness .006 phong .35 phong_size 6}
scale <.2975,.2125,.2975> translate -.18*y
} // union
cone {-y,.4,0,1 // insulator
scale <.2975,.17,.2975> translate -.415*y
texture {pigment {rgb<.05,.05,.05>}
finish {ambient .05 diffuse .5 metallic brilliance 2.5 reflection
.25 reflection_exponent .75}
cylinder {-y,y,1 // brass contact
scale <.425,.025,.425> scale <.3375,.225,.3375>
translate -.575*y
texture {pigment {rgb<1.95,1.95,.5>}
finish {ambient .05 diffuse .75 metallic brilliance 2.5 reflection
.125 reflection_exponent .75 specular .5 roughness .1}
} sphere {0,1 // solder contact
scale <.1125,.05,.1125> translate -.58*y
texture {pigment {rgb<.95,.95,.95>}
finish {ambient .05 diffuse .75 metallic brilliance .5 reflection
.125 reflection_exponent .75 specular .5 roughness .1}
scale .96 translate -.06*y
} // union
#declare ContactThread=
difference { // hollow out threads
object {Thread} object {Thread scale <.95,1.01,.95> translate
// lightbulb glass object
#declare LBG =
// sturm
scale 2
// whole light bulb
#declare LB =
union {
// actual light source
light_source {0 // color is set to go very high due to opacity in bulb
color rgb <1.33+(_C_*1),.75+(_C_*1.5),.667+(_C_*1.667)>*_C_
area_light <.3+(_C_*.6), -.15-(_C_*.65), 0> <0, .3+(_C_*.6),
.15+(_C_*.65)> 4, 4
adaptive 1 jitter // when animating, comment this line
fade_distance 15 fade_power 1
translate <0, 1.33, 0>
// final bulb glass
merge {
object {LBG hollow on} object {LBG scale .975 translate .01*y}
texture {pigment
finish {ambient .25+(_C_*.125) diffuse .9-(.5*_C_) specular .8
roughness .005 phong .1 phong_size 5
reflection .15 reflection_exponent .8}
interior { fade_distance .75 fade_power 2
media {
intervals 9 samples 1,1
absorption <.3,.33,.29>*(3*_C_)
density {spherical density_map {
[0 rgb<1,.95,.9>*.15*_C_*SF]
[.4 rgb<1,.95,.9>*.5*_C_*SF]
[.8 rgb<1,.95,.9>*3-(1.5*_C_)*SF]
[1 rgb<1,.95,.9>*6-(3*_C_)*SF]
}} scale <.3125,.625,.3125> translate 1.46*y
// use any light bulb logo here based on a 275 by 275 pixel gif with
white background (palette # 255)
texture {pigment {image_map
gif "ge_logo.gif"
map_type 0 once filter 255,1 transmit
translate -.5 rotate 90*x scale <.45,1,.45>}}
} // merge
// filament glass
union {
difference {
difference {
blob {threshold .5
cylinder {-x*1,x*1,1.1,1 scale <1.33,.6,1.25> translate .33*y}
cylinder {-x*1,x*1,1,1 scale <1.25,.6,1.25> translate -.1*y}
cylinder {-y,0,1,1 scale <1.75,2.9,1>}
cylinder {-y*1.25,-y*.5,1.1,1 scale <1.75,2,3>}
scale <.0825,.1875,.05> translate .3*y
cylinder {0,.25*y,.1 translate .525*y}
cylinder {0,-.1125*y,.03 scale <1,1,.25> translate .52501*y}
sphere {0,1 scale <.0625,.0875,.075> translate .125*y}
cylinder {-.5*y,.5*y,1 scale <.0625,.5,.075> translate -.125*y}
sphere {0,.1 scale <.5,.667,.667> translate .33*y}
cylinder {-.5*y,.5*y,1 scale <.025,.5,.025> translate 0*y}
texture {pigment {rgbf<1.133,1.13,1.127,(.75-(.125*_C_))>}
finish {ambient .33-(_C_*.25) diffuse .8-(.4*_C_) specular .5
roughness .005 reflection .2}
} interior {ior 1.45 caustics 3 fade_distance .175 fade_power 1}
} // union
// filament supports
union {
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.4,1> rotate <0,0,1> translate
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.4,1> rotate <0,0,-1> translate
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.0775,1> rotate <0,0,10>
translate <-.075,.375,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.0775,1> rotate <0,0,-10>
translate <.075,.375,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.3,1> rotate <0,0,25> translate
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.15,1> rotate <0,0,-29>
translate <.16,.575,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.36,1> rotate <0,0,-11>
translate <-.2675,1.325,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.15,1> rotate <0,0,10> translate
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.125,1> rotate <0,0,90>
translate <-.075,1.67,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.125,1> rotate <0,0,90>
translate <.05,1,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.025,1> rotate <90,0,0>
translate <0,1.67,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.025,1> rotate <90,0,0>
translate <0,1,0>}
texture {pigment {rgbf<.95,.925,.975>}
finish {ambient .125 diffuse .667 metallic brilliance 2 reflection
.25 reflection_exponent .75}
} // union
// filament
cylinder {-y,y,1
#if (_C_=!0) no_shadow #end
texture {pigment {gradient y frequency 9
color_map {
[.75 color rgbf<1,1,1,1>]
[.75 color
} triangle_wave rotate 1*z}
finish {ambient .15+(.85*_C_) diffuse .75 metallic brilliance 1.5
reflection .25 reflection_exponent .75}
} scale <.02,.25,.02> translate 1.33*y
} // union
object {ContactThread}
} // union
#if (Scene=on)
LB // the light bulb complete
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Bob Hughes wrote:
> // Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
> // File: litebulb.pov
> // Vers: 3.1
> // Desc: household incandescent bulb (60 Watt)
You ought to share this one with the Pov Objects Collection Bob. Thing like
this are a real hit there and I am sure more people would be able to take
advantage of it if you did. If you would like I could submit it in your
name for you or you yourself could handel it.
Ken Tyler
See my 850+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
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Thanks, I'll try and do that... *after* I make a few changes.
Watch out people, I already discovered a flaw and decided it really
needs real world dimensions too. So this newer one here is better,
having inches for the units with the lightbulb scaled and translated
properly so the tip of the base is centered. It normally takes me
months to do anything worthwhile so I guess you get what you pay for
; ) and I hope it's okay for general use now.
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: litebulb.pov
// Vers: 3.1
// Desc: household incandescent bulb (60 Watt)
// Date: 99.701
// Auth: Bob Hughes
// Mail: mailto:inv### [at] aolcom?Subject=PoV-Scene
// Note: This is set up as a scene file, to use only the bulb itself
you will need to set
// the Scene switch to off and use LB as the object in your
own scenes (using this as a include).
// _C_ must be defined also for using the light intensity you
want (see the Lightbulb section).
// Bulb dimensions are inches of approximately 4.25 H by 2.25 W
& D, base tip centered on <0,0,0>.
// Light fading starting at 15 units with a linear dropoff.
// Keep in mind the light output is not relevant to real
lightbulbs :-)
// Warn: Since this uses 'sor' it is highly unstable so certain
viewpoints will cause distortion!
#declare Scene=on;
#if (Scene!=off)
global_settings {
max_trace_level 9
ambient_light <1.5,1.5,1.5>*.75
radiosity {
brightness 3
count 123
distance_maximum 3 // 1/3 camera to object distance
error_bound 0.38
gray_threshold 0.4
low_error_factor 0.7
minimum_reuse 0.018
nearest_count 7
recursion_limit 1
// Set a color of the background. NOTE: this affects scene reflections
background {
color red 0.125 green 0.125 blue 0.125
// white pointlight and camera with variable positions
#declare LCX = 0;
#declare LCY = 0;
#declare LCZ = -9;
// rotation vectors (adjust for varying placements)
#declare RLX = 40; #declare RCX = 30;
#declare RLY = 33; #declare RCY = -15;
#declare RLZ = 0; #declare RCZ = 0;
// external light
light_source { <LCX,LCY,LCZ-15> color rgb <1.5,1.5,1.5>*.333 // *.667
approximates color rgb 1
spotlight point_at 0 radius 15 falloff 20
rotate RLX*x rotate RLY*y rotate RLZ*z
camera {
location <LCX,LCY,LCZ>
rotate RCX*x rotate RCY*y rotate RCZ*z
angle 45
look_at <0, 2.75, 0>
// scene surroundings
// room
box {<-75,-12.5,-50>,<75,25,50> hollow on
pigment {rgb 1} finish {ambient .15 diffuse .85}}
// tabletop
box {<-10,-2,-10>,<10,-.5,10> pigment {rgb 1} finish {ambient .1
diffuse .8}}
// misc. objects
sphere {0,1 pigment {blue 1} translate <1.75,.51,3>}
cone {-y,1,y,0 pigment {green 1} translate <-2.5,.51,2.125>}
box {-1,1 pigment {red 1} translate <-5.5,.51,5>}
#end // use scene or not
/* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Lightbulb
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
// light intensity [0 to 1 typically]
#declare _C_ = .667; // clock;
// scale factor [inversely proportional to end scale, ie. LB at 0.5
would be 2 here]
#declare SF = 1; // change this according to any rescaling to be done
// Area light smoothness [1X1, 2X2, etc.]
#declare AS = 4;
// Area light jitter on or off (really not a good idea to turn off)
#declare AJ = on;
// lightbulb threads
#declare Thread =
union {union {
difference { // threads
cylinder {-y,y,1.1}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate -1*y}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate -.5*y}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate 0*y}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate .5*y}
torus {1.25,.25 rotate <15,-45,0> translate 1*y}
} // difference
cone {0,1,.15*y,1.05 scale 1.05 translate 1*y} // upper thread lip
cone {0,1,-.42*y,.667 scale 1.05 translate -1*y} // thread base
texture {pigment {rgb<.985,.98,.99>*2}
finish {ambient .025 diffuse .7 metallic brilliance -.075
reflection .5 reflection_exponent .9
specular .9 roughness .006 phong .35 phong_size 6}
scale <.2975,.2125,.2975> translate -.18*y
} // union
cone {-y,.4,0,1 // insulator
scale <.2975,.17,.2975> translate -.415*y
texture {pigment {rgb<.05,.05,.05>}
finish {ambient .05 diffuse .5 metallic brilliance 2.5 reflection
.25 reflection_exponent .75}
cylinder {-y,y,1 // brass contact
scale <.425,.025,.425> scale <.3375,.225,.3375>
translate -.575*y
texture {pigment {rgb<1.95,1.95,.5>}
finish {ambient .05 diffuse .75 metallic brilliance 2.5 reflection
.125 reflection_exponent .75 specular .5 roughness .1}
} sphere {0,1 // solder contact
scale <.1125,.05,.1125> translate -.58*y
texture {pigment {rgb<.95,.95,.95>}
finish {ambient .05 diffuse .75 metallic brilliance .5 reflection
.125 reflection_exponent .75 specular .5 roughness .1}
scale .96 translate -.06*y
} // union
#declare ContactThread=
difference { // hollow out threads
object {Thread} object {Thread scale <.95,1.01,.95> translate
// lightbulb glass object
#declare LBG =
// sturm
scale 2
// whole light bulb
#declare LB =
union {
// actual light source
light_source {0 // color is set to go very high due to opacity in bulb
color rgb <1.33+(_C_*1),.75+(_C_*1.5),.667+(_C_*1.667)>*_C_
area_light <.3+(_C_*.6), -.15-(_C_*.65), 0> <0, .3+(_C_*.6),
.15+(_C_*.65)> AS, AS
#if (AJ!=off) adaptive 1 jitter #end
fade_distance 15 fade_power 1
translate <0, 1.33, 0>
// final bulb glass
merge {
object {LBG hollow on} object {LBG scale .975 translate .01*y}
texture {pigment
finish {ambient .25+(_C_*.125) diffuse .9-(.5*_C_) specular .8
roughness .005 phong .1 phong_size 5
reflection .15 reflection_exponent .8}
interior { fade_distance .75 fade_power 2
media {
intervals 9 samples 1,1
absorption <.3,.33,.29>*(3*_C_)
density {spherical density_map {
[0 rgb<1,.95,.9>*.15*_C_*.6*SF]
[.4 rgb<1,.95,.9>*.5*_C_*.6*SF]
[.8 rgb<1,.95,.9>*3-(1.5*_C_)*.6*SF]
[1 rgb<1,.95,.9>*6-(3*_C_)*.6*SF]
}} scale <.3125,.625,.3125> translate 1.46*y
// use any light bulb logo here based on a 275 by 275 pixel gif with
white background (palette # 255)
texture {pigment {image_map
gif "ge_logo.gif"
map_type 0 once filter 255,1 transmit
translate -.5 rotate 90*x scale <.45,1,.45>}}
} // merge
// filament glass
union {
difference {
difference {
blob {threshold .5
cylinder {-x*1,x*1,1.1,1 scale <1.33,.6,1.25> translate .33*y}
cylinder {-x*1,x*1,1,1 scale <1.25,.6,1.25> translate -.1*y}
cylinder {-y,0,1,1 scale <1.75,2.9,1>}
cylinder {-y*1.25,-y*.5,1.1,1 scale <1.75,2,3>}
scale <.0825,.1875,.05> translate .3*y
cylinder {0,.25*y,.1 translate .525*y}
cylinder {0,-.1125*y,.03 scale <1,1,.25> translate .52501*y}
sphere {0,1 scale <.0625,.0875,.075> translate .125*y}
cylinder {-.5*y,.5*y,1 scale <.0625,.5,.075> translate -.125*y}
sphere {0,.1 scale <.5,.667,.667> translate .33*y}
cylinder {-.5*y,.5*y,1 scale <.025,.5,.025> translate 0*y}
texture {pigment {rgbf<1.133,1.13,1.127,(.75-(.125*_C_))>}
finish {ambient .33-(_C_*.25) diffuse .8-(.4*_C_) specular .5
roughness .005 reflection .2}
} interior {ior 1.45 caustics 3 fade_distance .175 fade_power 1}
} // union
// filament supports
union {
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.4,1> rotate <0,0,1> translate
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.4,1> rotate <0,0,-1> translate
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.0775,1> rotate <0,0,10>
translate <-.075,.375,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.0775,1> rotate <0,0,-10>
translate <.075,.375,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.3,1> rotate <0,0,25> translate
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.15,1> rotate <0,0,-29>
translate <.16,.575,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.36,1> rotate <0,0,-11>
translate <-.2675,1.325,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.15,1> rotate <0,0,10> translate
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.125,1> rotate <0,0,90>
translate <-.075,1.67,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.125,1> rotate <0,0,90>
translate <.05,1,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.025,1> rotate <90,0,0>
translate <0,1.67,0>}
cylinder {-y,y,.0036 scale <1,.025,1> rotate <90,0,0>
translate <0,1,0>}
texture {pigment {rgbf<.95,.925,.975>}
finish {ambient .125 diffuse .667 metallic brilliance 2 reflection
.25 reflection_exponent .75}
} // union
// filament
cylinder {-y,y,1
#if (_C_!=0) no_shadow #end
texture {pigment {gradient y frequency 9
color_map {
[.75 color rgbf<1,1,1,1>]
[.75 color
} triangle_wave rotate 1*z}
finish {ambient .15+(.85*_C_) diffuse .75 metallic brilliance 1.5
reflection .25 reflection_exponent .75}
} scale <.02,.25,.02> translate 1.33*y
} // union
object {ContactThread}
translate 0.75*y scale 1.7
} // union
#if (Scene=on)
LB // the light bulb complete
Ken <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> wrote in message
> You ought to share this one with the Pov Objects Collection Bob.
Thing like
> this are a real hit there and I am sure more people would be able to
> advantage of it if you did. If you would like I could submit it in
> name for you or you yourself could handel it.
> http://povobjects.virtualave.net/
> --
> Ken Tyler
> See my 850+ Povray and 3D Rendering and Raytracing Links at:
> http://home.pacbell.net/tylereng/index.html
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