//This scene needs Superpatch to render
camera {
location <-2, 3, -6>*4
direction 2.0*z
up y
right 4/3*x
look_at <0, 3, 0>
light_source {
color rgb <1,1,1>
translate <-2000, 4000, -3000>
sky_sphere {
gradient y
color_map { [0.0 color rgb <0.7,0.7,1.0>] [1.0 color blue 0.5] }
plane {
y, -50
texture { pigment { color rgb <1,.9,.8> } }
cylinder {
<3,-10,15> <3,5,15>, 1
texture {
pigment { color rgb <1,1,1> }
normal { wrinkles .1 scale <.1,1,.1> }
finish { specular .2 roughness .035 }
#declare Sand = function { y+.2*z+noise3d(x/10,0,z/10) }
#declare Sandtex = texture { pigment { color rgb <1,.9,.8> } }
isosurface {
function { Sand }
max_gradient 5
bounded_by { box { <-1000,-11,-1000>, <1000,2,1000> } }
texture { Sandtex }
#declare Waves = function { pigment {
color_map {
[ 0 rgb 0 ]
[ 1 rgb 1 ]
scale 3
} }
#declare Water2 = function {
.2*(-y+1)*noise3d(.5*x,.5*y,.5*z)^2+.04*noise3d(2*x,2*y,(2*y+1)*z) }
#declare Water = function {
y-Waves(.1*x+.25*y,y,z)^2+.005*noise3d(1*x,1*y,3*z)-Water2(x,y,z) }
#declare Sea = texture {
pigment { color rgbt <1,1,1,1> }
finish { specular .5 roughness .005 reflection_type 1 }
#declare Foam = texture {
pigment {
color_map {
[ 0 color rgbt <1,1,1,0> ]
[ 1 color rgbt <1,1,1,.6> ]
turbulence .5
scale .5
normal { bumps .2 scale .1 }
finish { specular .5 roughness .005 }
#declare Watertex = texture {
function { max(0,min(1,Sand(x,y,z))) }
texture_map {
[ 0 Foam ]
[ .5 Sea ]
[ 1 Sea ]
#declare Waterint = interior {
ior 1.33 caustics 10
fade_distance 3 fade_power 2
isosurface {
function { Water(x,y,z) }
max_gradient 10
bounded_by { box { <-1000,-100,-1000>, <1000,2,1000> } }
texture { Watertex rotate <0,-90,0> }
interior { Waterint }
rotate <0,90,0>
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