#include "colors.inc"
// Makes the curve: y = k/sin(pi*x/n)
#macro MakeBand(minX,maxX,n,k)
union {
#declare xpoint = minX;
// Angle of the current point in the curve
#declare a = atan2(-k/n *
// Make the letter itself
#if(rand(rseed)*10 < 1/sqrt(sin(xpoint*pi)))
#local char = chr(rand(rseed)*26+asc("A"))
#local char = chr(rand(rseed)*26+asc("a"))
text {
ttf "hirosht.ttf" char 0.001,0
scale 0.25
rotate y*90
rotate z*a*180/pi
translate <xpoint*n,k/sin(xpoint*pi),0>
// Move along the curve, constant distance, not constant x
#declare xpoint = xpoint + (0.2/n)*cos(a);
// Center
translate x*-n/2
#declare rseed = seed(43745);
#declare c = 600;
#while (c > 0)
object {
MakeBand(0.2,0.995,10+rand(rseed)*28,0.3 + rand(rseed)*0.4)
rotate x*rand(rseed)*360
#declare col = rand(rseed)*1;
pigment {color rgb <col,1,col>}
finish {ambient 0.5 diffuse 0.5}
#debug concat(str(c,0,0),"\n")
#declare c = c - 1;
camera {
location <-2,1,1>
look_at <10,0,0>
focal_point <2,0,0>
aperture 0.18
blur_samples 20
confidence 0.999
light_source {<-2,1,1> color White}
mailto:smi### [at] paradisenetnz
"We live and we learn. But, sadly, at different rates."
-- Alan Magid
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