For POV-Ray 3.02, a few semi-colons added and ior moved to interior and
should be okay for 3.1 too. Sloppy script from me of course as usual.
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: watrdpth.pov
// Vers: 3
// Desc: Test of water depth color, surface ripples, angle dependant
// Date: 98.4, 98.6 (99.34)
// Auth: Bob Hughes <mailto://inversez@aol.com?Subject=PoV-Scene>
//animation variables
#declare _C_ = .75 //clock
#declare _cC_ = .5 //clock
#declare _rC_ = .5 //clock
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 2.2
ambient_light <1.5,1.5,1.5>*.825
max_trace_level 8
#if (_C_<.5) //clock 0 to 1
#declare _oC_ = (2*_C_)+.00001 //object scaling
#declare _nC_ = _oC_ //normal amount
#declare _oC_ = 1
#declare _nC_ = 1-((2*_C_)-1)+.00001
#declare _pC_ = 2*clock //2*_C_ //phasing
#declare LCX = -5
#declare LCY = 0
#declare LCZ = -12
light_source { <5,5,15> color rgb <.9,.8,.7>*.9}
light_source { <12,12,-9> color rgb <1.1,1.2,1.3>*1.5}
#declare CAMH = 90*_cC_ //camera rotation around x axis
camera {
location <LCX,LCY,LCZ>
angle 36 //23.456
up 1*y right 4/3*x
rotate CAMH*x
look_at <0,-.825,-.125> //<.2, -1.2345, 0>
sky_sphere {pigment {gradient y color_map {
[0,.25 color rgb<.1,.1,.1> color rgb<.4,.2,.1>*1.5]
[.25,.5 color rgb<.4,.2,.1>*1.5 color rgb<.5,.5,0>*1.5]
[.5,.75 color rgb<.5,.5,0>*1.5 color rgb<.25,.125,.5>*1.5]
[.75,1 color rgb<.25,.125,.5>*1.5 color rgb<.125,.125,.125>]
} } rotate 60*x
#declare WR = .3333+(.6666-(.6666*_rC_)) //water reflection
union {
difference {
box {<-2,-2,-2>,<2,0,2>
texture {
pigment {gradient y turbulence 0 frequency -1 //reverse frequency
color_map {
[0 color rgbf<.35,.45,.5,.1>]
[.25 color rgbf<.45,.55,.6,.3>]
[.5 color rgbf<.55,.65,.7,.7>]
[.75 color rgbf<.65,.75,.8,.9>]
[1 color rgbf<.75,.85,.9,1>*1]
} scale 2 }
normal {average normal_map {
[1*_nC_ ripples .75*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency -1 turbulence
.2+(1-_C_) scale .33]
[.25*_nC_ ripples 1*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency 1 turbulence
.3+(1-_C_) scale .36 scallop_wave]
[.75*_nC_ ripples .75*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency -1 turbulence
.2+(1-_C_) scale .33 translate 2*x]
[.125*_nC_ ripples 1*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency 1 turbulence
.3+(1-_C_) scale .36 translate 2*x scallop_wave]
[.75*_nC_ ripples .75*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency -1 turbulence
.2+(1-_C_) scale .33 translate -2*x]
[.125*_nC_ ripples 1*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency 1 turbulence
.3+(1-_C_) scale .36 translate -2*x scallop_wave]
[.75*_nC_ ripples .75*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency -1 turbulence
.2+(1-_C_) scale .33 translate 2*z]
[.125*_nC_ ripples 1*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency 1 turbulence
.3+(1-_C_) scale .36 translate 2*z scallop_wave]
[.75*_nC_ ripples .75*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency -1 turbulence
.2+(1-_C_) scale .33 translate -2*x]
[.125*_nC_ ripples 1*_nC_ phase _pC_ frequency 1 turbulence
.3+(1-_C_) scale .36 translate -2*x scallop_wave]
} }
finish {ambient 0 diffuse .2 specular .9 roughness .0005
reflection WR refraction 1 ior 1.33 caustics .05 //fade_distance 1.5
fade_power 1
cone{-2*y,(.5+(1.25*_oC_)),(-.4+(1.36*_oC_))*y,0 pigment {rgbf<1,1,1,1>}
scale 1.01}
box {<-2,-2,-2>,<2,0,2> inverse pigment {rgbf<1,1,1,1>} scale <.99,1,.99>
translate .01*y}
}//end difference
//reflection test object
torus {.75,.125 translate 1*y pigment {rgb 1.25}
finish {ambient .3 diffuse .3 phong .432 phong_size 123 reflection .2}
//water depth test object
pigment {rgb _C_} //color goes from black to white
finish {ambient .2 diffuse .6 phong .432 phong_size 123 reflection .2}
box {<-2,-2,-2>,<2,0,2>
texture {
pigment {gradient y turbulence 0 frequency -1 //reverse frequency
color_map {
[0 color rgbf<.35,.45,.5,.1>]
[.25 color rgbf<.45,.55,.6,.3>]
[.5 color rgbf<.55,.65,.7,.7>]
[.75 color rgbf<.65,.75,.8,.9>]
[1 color rgbf<.75,.85,.9,1>]
} scale 2 }
finish {ambient 0 diffuse .2 specular .9 roughness .0005
reflection .4 refraction 1 ior 1.33 caustics 1 //fade_distance 1.5
fade_power 3
scale <.999,1,.999> translate -.001*y
clipped_by {box {<-2,-2,-2>,<2,0,2> inverse scale .99}}
//water tank edges
union {
cylinder {-2*y,0*y,.05 translate <2,0,2>}
cylinder {-2*y,0*y,.05 translate <-2,0,2>}
cylinder {-2*y,0*y,.05 translate <-2,0,-2>}
cylinder {-2*y,0*y,.05 translate <2,0,-2>}
cylinder {-2*x,2*x,.05 translate <0,0,2>}
cylinder {-2*x,2*x,.05 translate <0,0,-2>}
cylinder {-2*z,2*z,.05 translate <-2,0,0>}
cylinder {-2*z,2*z,.05 translate <2,0,0>}
cylinder {-2*x,2*x,.05 translate <0,-2,2>}
cylinder {-2*x,2*x,.05 translate <0,-2,-2>}
cylinder {-2*z,2*z,.05 translate <-2,-2,0>}
cylinder {-2*z,2*z,.05 translate <2,-2,0>}
sphere {0,.05 translate <2,0,2>}
sphere {0,.05 translate <-2,0,2>}
sphere {0,.05 translate <2,0,-2>}
sphere {0,.05 translate <-2,0,-2>}
sphere {0,.05 translate <2,-2,2>}
sphere {0,.05 translate <-2,-2,2>}
sphere {0,.05 translate <2,-2,-2>}
sphere {0,.05 translate <-2,-2,-2>}
pigment {rgb<.6,.63,.66>}
finish {ambient .2 diffuse .2 metallic .7 brilliance 1 specular .4
roughness .01
reflection .8}
}//end union
omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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