//BEGIN (watchout for line wrapping! check before using)
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: rflctest.pov
// Vers: 3.1
// Desc: A simple check of multiple reflections using 2 mirrored planes
// Date: 99.11
// Auth: Bob Hughes, mailto:inv### [at] aolcom?POV
//these are the pigment, reflection, ambient, diffuse numbers, make
changes here.
//please note that antialising is going to make the very small "last"
//appear blended with the background color and that this isn't the same
#declare MP1=<1,1,1>*0; //pigment used for behind-camera mirror
#declare MR1=<1,1,1>*1; //reflection vector
#declare ME1=1; //reflection_exponent
#declare RA1=.1; //ambient
#declare RD1=.6; //diffuse
#declare MP2=<1,1,1>*0; //pigment used for behind-object mirror
#declare MR2=<1,1,1>*1; //reflection vector
#declare ME2=1; //reflection_exponent
#declare RA2=.1; //ambient
#declare RD2=.6; //diffuse
global_settings {
//ambient_light <1.25,1.25,1.25>
max_trace_level 20 //high enough number for plenty of multiple
//background {color red 0.5 green 0.65 blue 0.55}
//light up the test object well
light_source {<50,15,0> color rgb 1 shadowless}
light_source {<-50,-15,0> color rgb 1 shadowless}
//camera placement
#declare LCX = 2;
#declare LCY = 0;
#declare LCZ = -20;
// rotation vectors (adjust for varying placements)
#declare RCX = 0;
#declare RCY = 0;
#declare RCZ = 0;
location <LCX,LCY,LCZ>
angle 50
up 1*y right 2*x //custom aspect ratio, ie. 240x120 res.
rotate RCX*x rotate RCY*y rotate RCZ*z
look_at <LCX+5, 0, 0>
//2 mirrors facing each other, one behind camera and one in behind
plane {z,-20 pigment {rgb MP1} //behind camera
finish {ambient RA1 diffuse RD1 reflection MR1 reflection_exponent ME1
//reflection_blur .001 reflection_samples 1
rotate <0,45,0> translate -1*x}
plane {z,10 pigment {rgb MP2} //behind object
finish {ambient RA2 diffuse RD2 reflection MR2 reflection_exponent ME2
//reflection_blur .001 reflection_samples 1
rotate <0,45,0> translate -1*x}
//test object
union {
sphere {0,1 pigment {red 1}
translate 3*y
sphere {0,1 pigment {green 1}
translate 1.5*y
sphere {0,1 pigment {blue 1}
translate 0*y
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 1}
translate -1.5*y
sphere {0,1 pigment {rgb 0}
translate -3*y
scale 1.5 translate -2*x
omniVERSE: beyond the universe
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