Here is an updated version of the Isosurface egg code I recently
posted. I turned it into a macro, added bounding, and parametrized it.
For an egg, try parameters of 5 and 6. For a tear, try 1.1 and 2.
// Begin POV code
// Isoegg.pov - an Isosurface egg shape
#version 3.1;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 ambient_light <.846, 1.041, 1.041> }
camera { up <0, 1, 0> right <4 / 3, 0, 0>
location <0, 0, -20> look_at <0, 0, 0> }
light_source { <20, 50, -100> color rgb <1.103, .993, .772> }
#include "colors.inc"
#macro Fixcols(Badcol)
color rgb <pow(Badcol.red, 2.2), pow(Badcol.green, 2.2),
pow(Badcol.blue, 2.2)>
filter Badcol.filter transmit Badcol.transmit
#macro Egg(A, B)
#local C = (2 * A + 1) / (B * 2);
function { 1 - sqrt((x / ((A - y) / B)) * (x / ((A - y) / B)) +
y * y +
(z / ((A - y) / B)) * (z / ((A - y) / B))) }
accuracy .0001
max_trace 1
bounded_by { box <-C , -1, -C>, <C, 1, C> }
sign -1
method 1
sky_sphere { pigment { Fixcols(CornflowerBlue) } }
Egg(1.1, 2)
specular 1
roughness .0001
brilliance 3
scale 5
// End POV code
Jerry Anning
cle### [at] dholcom
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