Here is a small .pov file that will generate a sort
of thumbnail index catalog of pictures. Simply add an
"add_picture()" call for each picture. All pictures
are assumed to have the same height / width ratio.
This routine writes out an intermediate file
called "try.pov", overwriting any older version
of "try.pov".
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 2.4 // adjust to taste :)
background { color red 0 green 0.03 blue 0.4 }
camera {
direction <0, 0, 1>
right <1, 0, 0>
up <0, 1, 0>
translate <0, 0, -10>
#declare num_pics = 0;
#macro add_pic(pictype, filename)
#write(_txtr_file, "#declare p", num_pics, " = pigment {\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " image_map {\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " ", pictype, " \"", filename, "\"\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " interpolate 2\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " }\n")
// #write(_txtr_file, " translate <-0.5, -0.5, 0>\n")
#write(_txtr_file, "}\n\n\n")
#declare num_pics = num_pics + 1;
#declare txtr_output_file = "try.pov"
#fopen _txtr_file txtr_output_file write
#write(_txtr_file, "#render \"This is try.pov!!!\"\n")
/* here is where you list your image files ...
The add_pic marco will update the count of the
number of pictures. */
add_pic("png", "test.png")
add_pic("png", "mtmandj.png")
add_pic("png", "retr_pic.png")
add_pic("tga", "view_2.tga")
add_pic("gif", "torus_tile2.gif")
#declare sizex = int(sqrt(num_pics));
#if ((sizex * sizex) < num_pics)
#declare sizex = sizex + 1;
#macro place_pic(picindex, xx, yy)
#write(_txtr_file, "box {\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " <0, 0, 0>, <1, 1, 0>\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " pigment {\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " p", picindex, "\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " }\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " scale ", 1 / sizex, "\n")
#local xxx = xx/sizex - 0.5;
#local yyy = ((sizex - yy) - 1) / sizex - 0.5;
#write(_txtr_file, " translate <", xxx, ", ", yyy, ", 0", ">\n")
#write(_txtr_file, " finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 }\n")
#write(_txtr_file, "}\n\n\n")
#declare pic_index = 0;
#declare tiley = 0;
#while (tiley < sizex)
#declare tilex = 0;
#while (tilex < sizex)
#if (pic_index < num_pics)
place_pic(pic_index, tilex, tiley)
#declare pic_index = pic_index + 1;
#declare tilex = tilex + 1;
#declare tiley = tiley + 1;
#fclose _txtr_file
#render "about to include try.pov\n"
#include "try.pov"
/* actual end of this file */
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