antoine <map### [at] orange fr> wrote:
> > Cousin Ricky <ric### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> >> But as jr alluded to, the parser is the biggest monster to be slain in
> >> this software. It's a recursive descent algorithm and very inflexible.
> > As this applies to most anything in life:
> > Hope is not a plan.
that's quotable :-)
> > No one is coming to save you/us.
> > Skills are more valuable than things.
> > As I have brought up in the past, it would probably be a good idea to look
> > outside of the tiny little corner of the internet that we frequent, and try to
> > find someone amongst the many academic and commercial computer science people
> > that use POV-Ray for some purpose, and ask if they can have a student write out
> > the basic framework of a modern (LR-style?) parser to get things firmly started
> > in the proper direction.
> > In the absence of that, what are your thoughts on beginning to write out THE NEW
> > parser amongst ourselves? I have seen that someone has already begun doing such
> > a thing, and perhaps we can all build on whatever contributions people can
> > offer.
> > WFP is already writing yuqk.
> > jr and I have Stroustrup's tome.
> > Plenty of people are capable of writing some level of code - be it in SDL or
> > some other language.
> > Even if we simply start sketching out the framework, others can come in and fill
> > in the blanks.
> > I mean, even if the code doesn't actually DO anything and it's just blocks of
> > comments describing what should be done at each step - we can still write what
> > amounts to an operational flowchart, where we can just output a summary of what
> > the code WOULD do if there was functional code in the framework.
after some thought, I've decided to start a new thread in
..pov4.discussion.general, subject "SDL2". over the years there have been a
number of "feature requests", this may be the time to start having them in one
every post to the thread should discuss exactly _one_ new feature / whatever
aspect of SDL programming, with bits of pseudo code to illustrate, as suggested
and yes, a kindhearted academic who'd provide .. support, would be "the ideal".
fingers crossed, it's a big world :-)
> Hello,
> (I apologize in advance for the possible bad english)
> I remember some years ago, Christoph Lipka was evocating/evoking the
> Json script language as a replacement of POVRay's Scene description
> language. Maybe the POVRay project should go in this direction.
> Regards,
> Antoine.
personally, I'd prefer a SDL2 which compiles. but I would love to have a SDL2
which can read/import objects (say mesh) and or data from .json files. re "Json
script language", you mean JavaScript ?
regards, jr.
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