POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.scene-files : Helpers - Macro-Collection for many applications : Re: Helpers - Macro-Collection for many applications Server Time
17 Jan 2025 23:01:16 EST (-0500)
  Re: Helpers - Macro-Collection for many applications  
From: Bald Eagle
Date: 2 Jan 2025 13:15:00
Message: <web.6776d6b68dbb45f6563700825979125@news.povray.org>
"Maetes" <nomail@nomail> wrote:

> Unfortunately, I can't find any item of my personal wish list (except for
> optional parameters) in the revision list of version 3.8.
> These are:
> - spherical heightfields
> - Type-Identification
> - new functions to handle strings/arrays
> - Object-Oriented Programming (Classes)

Spherical heightfields:

"shapes.inc includes shapes_old.inc and contains many macros for working with
objects, and for creating special objects, such as bevelled text, spherical
height fields, and rounded shapes."
So it ought to be in the drop-down insert menu.



> Whether 3.7 or 3.8 makes little difference to me.

3.8 does have some little fixes and things, so I've been running that since it
got released as the beta.

> So I have to wait for Povray 4.0 (year 2030?) and write macros, macros, macros
> ......

Welcome to the club.  It's not big, and you're in it.  ;)

> Or I push my C++ skills and find out if I can work on the development of
> Povray-Sourcode. I've already started but failed (to view/understand/compile the
> source).

jr and I are looking into that.  But at the moment we're both sort of tied up
with too much non-POV-Ray real life drudgery.  :(

> Or I will try the "B-Thing".

:O  Hush.

- BW

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