POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.text.scene-files : "bst.inc" A Binary Search Tree : Re: "bst.inc" A Binary Search Tree Server Time
27 Oct 2024 16:14:44 EDT (-0400)
  Re: "bst.inc" A Binary Search Tree  
From: ingo
Date: 3 Jul 2024 08:15:00
Message: <web.66854080d85acfd417bac71e8ffb8ce3@news.povray.org>
"ingo" <nomail@nomail> wrote:

A completely new version. Options still to be added over time: a macro to
balance a tree, macro's to rotate parts of a tree to get proper Red Black trees.


POV-Ray include file: bst.inc

A POV-Ray include file for a Binary Seach Tree (BST).

Author : Ingo Janssen
Date   : 2024-03-16
Version: 0.6
History: 2024-07-03 Complete update and breaking rewrite to fix numerous bugs.
         Changed the structure of the tree array to accommodate numbers,
         strings and vectors

The resulting BST is an array of nodes where each node is an array of array for
the nodes value and the node's children.


    node[2]{values[1]{value}, children[2]{left, right}},
    node{{value},{left, right}},
    node{{value},{left, right}},

By overriding some declared values and macros the node value can be numbers,
strings or vectors. The indices are integers. Overriding values has to be done
before the include file is used. Mixing multiple trees of multiple types in a
scene will get messy, unless everything is nicely sequential.
To see the demos at the end of this file, run this bst.inc file as is.


//cmd: -d -p  -f +wt0
#version 3.7;
#ifndef( BST_Inc_Temp)
#declare BST_Inc_Temp = version;

/*: _Sentinel & _ValSentinel

These are the default values in the arrays. One can override _ValSentinel in the
scene file.
For string values use: #declare _ValSentinel = "";
For vectors values use: #declare _ValSentinel = <-999999, -999999, -999999>;
When using strings or vectors, one also has to override IsEqual(), Comp() and
DebugNode() macros.
Mixing multiple trees of multiple types in a scene will get messy, unless
everyting is nicely sequential.

If _Sentinel collides with the scene data it can also be overriden, it has to be
an integer.
#declare _Sentinel = -999999;
#declare _ValSentinel = -999999;

#macro IsEqualNum(A,B)
/*: IsEqualNum(A,B)

Checks whether numbers A and B are identical/equal.

Result: true or false
  #local Return = false;
  #if(A = B)
    #local Return = true;

#macro IsEqualStr(A,B)
/*: IsEqualSrr(A,B)

Checks whether strings A and B are identical/equal.

Result: true or false
  #local Return = false;
  #if(A = B)
    #local Return = true;

#macro IsEqualVec(A,B)
/*: IsEqualVec(A,B)

Checks whether vectors A and B are identical/equal.
This works for all vectors and colours are they are promoted to 5d.

Result: true or false
  #local Return = false;
  #local vA = <0,0,0,0,0> + A;
  #local vB = <0,0,0,0,0> + B;
  #if(vA.x = vB.x & vA.y = vB.y & vA.z = vB.z & vA.filter = vB.filter & vA.t =
    #local Return = true;

#macro IsEqual(A,B)
/*: IsEqual(A,B)

Checks whether vectors A and B are identical/equal.
The macro inside of IsEqual defines what 'types' are compared, the default is
For a different comparison override the macro in your scene file and use
isEqualStr inside it, or one of your own making.

Result: true or false

#macro NumComp(A, B)
/*: NumComp(A, B)
A macro to compare two numeric values.

When A<B the result = -1,
when equal: 0 and when
A>B the result is 1.
  #local Return = 0;
  #if (A < B)
    #local Return = -1;
  #elseif(A > B)
    #local Return = 1;

#macro StrComp(A, B)
/*: StrComp(A, B)
A macro to compare two strings.

When A<B the result = -1,
when equal: 0
and when A>B the result is 1.
  #local Return = 0;
  #if (A < B)
    #local Return = -1;
  #elseif(A > B)
    #local Return = 1;

#macro VecComp(A, B)
/*: VecLenComp(A, B)
A macro to compare the length of two vectors.

When the vector are identical: 0
When A=<B the result = -1,
and when A>B the result is 1.
    #local Return = 0;
    #local vA = vlength(<0,0,0> + A);
    #local vB = vlength(<0,0,0> + B);
    #if (vA <= vB)
      #local Return = -1;
    #elseif(vA > vB)
      #local Return = 1;

#macro VecGrayComp(A, B)
/*: VecGrayComp(A, B)
A macro to compare the gray value of two colours.

When A<B the result = -1,
when equal: 0
and when A>B the result is 1.
  #local gA = A.gray;
  #local gB = B.gray;
  #local Return = 0;
  #if (gA < gB)
    #local Return = -1;
  #elseif(gA > gB)
    #local Return = 1;

#macro Comp(A, B)
/*: Comp(A,B)

A macro to compare two values.
When A<B the result = -1,
when equal: 0
and when A>B the result is 1.

The macro inside of Comp defines what 'types' are compared, the default is
For a different comparison override the macro in your scene file and use
inside it for example, or one of your own.

// Node enum
#declare _nodeValues = 0;
#declare _nodeChildren = 1;

#declare _nodeVal = 0;

#declare _nodeLeft = 0;
#declare _nodeRight = 1;

#macro bstGetNode(BST, NodeIdx)
/*: bstGetNode(BST, NodeIdx)

Gets the node at the NodeIdx index from the BST search tree.
It returns a node array:

node = array[2]{
  array[2]{IndexLeftSide, IndexRightChild}


/*: NodeVal(Node), NodeLeft(Node), NodeRight(Node)

These macros get the value, left child index (int) and right child index (int)
a node as extracted by bstGetNode(BST, NodeIdx). The _ValSentinel, or_Sentinel
will be returned if undefined.
#macro NodeVal(Node)   Node[_nodeValues][_nodeVal] #end
#macro NodeLeft(Node)  Node[_nodeChildren][_nodeLeft] #end
#macro NodeRight(Node) Node[_nodeChildren][_nodeRight] #end

/*: bstNodeVal(Node), bstNodeLeft(Node), bstNodeRight(Node)

These macros get the value, left child index (int) and right child index (int)
a node in the BST search tree. The _ValSentinel, or_Sentinel value
will be returned if undefined
#macro bstNodeVal(BST, NodeIdx)   BST[NodeIdx][_nodeValues][_nodeVal] #end
#macro bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdx)  BST[NodeIdx][_nodeChildren][_nodeLeft] #end
#macro bstNodeRight(BST, NodeIdx) BST[NodeIdx][_nodeChildren][_nodeRight] #end

/* for internal use to set data in the tree */
#macro _bstNodeSet(BST, NodeIdx, Node)      #local BST[NodeIdx] = Node; #end
#macro _bstNodeSetVal(BST, NodeIdx, Val)    #local
BST[NodeIdx][_nodeValues][_nodeVal] = Val; #end
#macro _bstNodeSetLeft(BST, NodeIdx, lIdx)  #local
BST[NodeIdx][_nodeChildren][_nodeLeft] = lIdx; #end
#macro _bstNodeSetRight(BST, NodeIdx, rIdx) #local
BST[NodeIdx][_nodeChildren][_nodeRight] = rIdx; #end

/*:  _nodeDefined(Node), _nodeDefinedVal(Node), _nodeDefinedLeft(Node),

These macro's check whether the node or its parts are defined. They return
'true' or 'false'.

#local IsNode = DefineNode(bstGetNode(BST, NodeIdx))
#local NodeHasValue = DefinedNodeVal(YourBST[NodeIdx])
#macro _nodeDefined(Node)
  #local Return = true;
  #if(//Node[_nodeValues][_nodeVal] = _ValSentinel &
      IsEqual(Node[_nodeValues][_nodeVal], _ValSentinel) &
      Node[_nodeChildren][_nodeLeft] = _Sentinel &
      Node[_nodeChildren][_nodeRight] = _Sentinel
    #local Return = false;

#macro _nodeDefinedVal(Node)
  #local Return = true;
  #if (IsEqual(Node[_nodeValues][_nodeVal], _ValSentinel) )
    #local Return = false;

#macro _nodeDefinedLeft(Node)
  #local Return = true;
  #if (Node[_nodeChildren][_nodeLeft] = _Sentinel )
    #local Return = false;

#macro _nodeDefinedRight(Node)
  #local Return = true;
  #if (Node[_nodeChildren][_nodeRight] = _Sentinel )
    #local Return = false;

#macro NodeInit()
/*: NodeInit()

Initializes an 'empty' node with sentinels.
    array[2]{_Sentinel, _Sentinel}

#macro BSTinit(MaxNodes)
/*: BSTinit(MaxNodes)

Creates an array for a Binary Search Tree.

  MaxNodes (int): maximum number of nodes the tree can contain.

  Returns an array of node arrays
  array[MaxNodes]{node, node, ...};

  array{array{array{value}, array{indices}}}

  #local BST = array[MaxNodes];
  #for(NodeIdx, 0, MaxNodes-1)
    _bstNodeSet(BST, NodeIdx, NodeInit())

/*: NodeDebugNum(Node), NodeDebugStr(Node),
   NodeDebugVec2(Node), NodeDebugVec3(Node)

Helper macros for formatting the output of various types of nodes
to the debugging stream. They can be used directly or are used through the
NodeDebug() or BSTDebug() macro.
#macro NodeDebugNum(Node)
  #debug concat("[Value : ", str(NodeVal(Node), 14, -1))
  #debug ",  "
  #debug concat("Left : ", str(NodeLeft(Node), 7, 0))
  #debug ",  "
  #debug concat("Right : ", str(NodeRight(Node), 7, 0))
  #debug "]"

#macro NodeDebugStr(Node)
  #debug concat("[Value : ", NodeVal(Node))
  #debug ",  "
  #debug concat("Left : ", str(NodeLeft(Node), 7, 0))
  #debug ",  "
  #debug concat("Right : ", str(NodeRight(Node), 7, 0))
  #debug "]"

#macro NodeDebugVec2(Node)
  #debug concat("[Value : <", vstr(2,NodeVal(Node),", ", 14, -1))
  #debug ">,  "
  #debug concat("Left : ", str(NodeLeft(Node), 7, 0))
  #debug ",  "
  #debug concat("Right : ", str(NodeRight(Node), 7, 0))
  #debug "]"

#macro NodeDebugVec3(Node)
  #debug concat("[Value : <", vstr(3,NodeVal(Node),", ", 14, -1))
  #debug ">,  "
  #debug concat("Left : ", str(NodeLeft(Node), 7, 0))
  #debug ",  "
  #debug concat("Right : ", str(NodeRight(Node), 7, 0))
  #debug "]"

#macro NodeDebug(Node)
/*: NodeDebug(Node)

writes the nodes content to the debug stream.
By default it writes numerical nodes. For string or vector
nodes override NodeDbug in the scenefile. For example:
#macro NodeDebug(Node)


#macro BSTDebug(BST)
/*: BSTDebug(BST)

Writes the content of the BST to the debug stream. It depends on NodeDebug for
proper formatting.
  #for(I, 0, dimension_size(BST, 1) - 1)
    #local Node = bstGetNode(BST, I);
    #debug concat("  NodeIdx : ", str(I, 3, 0), "\n")

#macro SearchEmptyNode(BST)
/*: SearchEmptyNode(BST)

Searches through the array of nodes for the first 'free' position to put a node.

output (int): a node index or the _Sentinel if the tree is full.

  #local EmptyNode = false;
  #local NI = 0;
  #while (EmptyNode = false & NI < dimension_size(BST,1))
    #local Node = BST[NI];
    #local EmptyNode = !_nodeDefined(Node);
    #local NI = NI + 1;
  #if (EmptyNode = false)
    #local NI = _Sentinel;
  NI - 1

#macro BSTheight(BST, NodeIdx)
/*: BSTheight(BST, NodeIdx)

Returns the height, the number of vertices from the root to the deepest node,
of the tree starting from the node NodeIdx.
  #if(NodeIdx = _Sentinel)
    #local Return = -1;
    #local LeftHeight  = BSTheight(BST, bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdx));
    #local RightHeight = BSTheight(BST, bstNodeRight(BST, NodeIdx));
    #if(LeftHeight > RightHeight)
      #local Return = LeftHeight + 1;
      #local Return = RightHeight +1;

#macro BSTinsert(BST, Value)
/*: BSTInsert(BST, Value)

Insert data in a free node in the BST and sets the 'pointer' (child index) to
itself in its parent.
//#debug concat("Insert value: ", str(Value,0,0),"\n")
  #local FreeNode = SearchEmptyNode(BST);
  #if(FreeNode != _Sentinel)
    #local NodeIdx = 0;
    #local NodeAdded = false;
    #while(NodeAdded = false)
      //#debug concat("NodeIdx : ",str(NodeIdx,0,0),"\n")
        #local Case = 2;
      #local Case = Comp(Value, bstNodeVal(BST, NodeIdx));

            // Found an empty left child, insert the value here
            _bstNodeSetLeft(BST, NodeIdx, FreeNode)
            _bstNodeSetVal(BST, FreeNode, Value)
            #local NodeAdded = true;
            // Traverse the left subtree
            #local NodeIdx = bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdx);
          // Value already exists in the tree, do nothing
          #local NodeAdded = true;
            // Found an empty right child, insert the value here
            _bstNodeSetRight(BST, NodeIdx, FreeNode)
            _bstNodeSetVal(BST, FreeNode, Value)
            #local NodeAdded = true;
            // Traverse the right subtree
            #local NodeIdx = bstNodeRight(BST, NodeIdx);
          // Found an empty node, insert the value here
          _bstNodeSetVal(BST, NodeIdx, Value)
          #local NodeAdded = true;
    #error "Binary search tree is full"
  //#debug "\n"

#macro BSTsearch(BST, Value)
/*: BSTSearch(BST, Value)

Finds the index the given value is at.
Returns _Sentinel if the value is not found in the BST.
  #local NodeIdx = 0;
  #local NotFound = true;
    #if (NodeIdx = _Sentinel)
      #local Case = _Sentinel;
      #local Case = Comp(Value, bstNodeVal(BST, NodeIdx));
      #case(_Sentinel) #local NotFound = false; #break
      #case(-1) #local NodeIdx = bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdx); #break
      #case( 0) #local NotFound = false; #break
      #case( 1) #local NodeIdx = bstNodeRight(BST, NodeIdx);#break

#macro BSTgetParent(BST, NodeIdx)
/*: BSTGetParent(BST, Node)

Returns the parent node index of the node NodeIdx.
//? would it make sense to extend the node arry to 4 and add the parent to it?
// saves a macro
  #local Root = 0;
  #local Parent = Root;
  #local NotFound = true;
  #while (NotFound)
    #if (Root = _Sentinel)
      #local Case = _Sentinel;
      #local Case = Comp(bstNodeVal(BST, NodeIdx), bstNodeVal(BST, Root));
        #local Parent = _Sentinel;
        #local NotFound = false;
        #local Parent = Root;
        #local Root = bstNodeLeft(BST, Root);
        #local NotFound = false;
        #local Parent = Root;
        #local Root = bstNodeRight(BST, Root);
  #if (Parent = NodeIdx)
    // NodeIdx can't be it's own parent, NodeIdx 0
    #local Parent = _Sentinel;

#macro BSTminVal(BST, NodeIdx)
/*: BSTMinVal(BST, Node)

Returns the minimum value in the tree, starting from Node.
  #local NI = NodeIdx;
  #while(bstNodeLeft(BST, NI) != _Sentinel) //that does not work with only one
node and a larger array
    #local NI = bstNodeLeft(BST, NI);
  bstNodeVal(BST, NI)

#macro BSTminIdx(BST, NodeIdx)
/*: BSTMinIdx(BST, Node)

Returns the index of the minimum value in the tree, starting from Node.
  #local NI = NodeIdx;
  #while(bstNodeLeft(BST, NI) != _Sentinel)
    #local NI = bstNodeLeft(BST, NI);

Regarding tree traversel in BST's, found this somewhere on the web.

  Used to create a copy of a tree. For example, if you want to create a
  replica of a tree, put the nodes in an array with a pre-order traversal. Then
  perform an Insert operation on a new tree for each value in the array. You
  will end up with a copy of your original tree.

  Used to get the values of the nodes in increasing order.

  Used to delete a tree from leaf to root.

#macro BSTiot(BST, NodeIdx)
/*: BSTiot(BST, NodeIdx)

BST In Order Traversal : Left - Root - Right pattern traversal of the tree

Result: an array with the values in order
  #macro _BSTIOTraverse(BST, NodeIdx, Traversed, I)
    #if(NodeIdx != _Sentinel)
      // Visit the left subtree
      _BSTIOTraverse(BST, bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdx), Traversed, I)
      // Visit the current node
      #local Traversed[I] = bstNodeVal(BST, NodeIdx);
      #local I = I + 1;
      // Visit the right subtree
      _BSTIOTraverse(BST, bstNodeRight(BST, NodeIdx), Traversed, I)
  #local I = 0;
  #local Traversed = array[dimension_size(BST,1)];
  _BSTIOTraverse(BST, NodeIdx, Traversed, I)

#macro BSTpre(BST, NodeIdx)
/*: BSTpre(BST, Node)

BST Pre Order Traversal: Root - Left - Right pattern traversal of the tree

Result: an array with values in 'pre order'.
  #macro _BSTPRETraverse(BST, NodeIdx, Traversed, I)
    #if(NodeIdx != _Sentinel)
      #local Traversed[I] = bstNodeVal(BST, NodeIdx);
      #local I = I + 1;
      _BSTPRETraverse(BST, bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdx) , Traversed, I)
      _BSTPRETraverse(BST, bstNodeRight(BST, NodeIdx), Traversed, I)
  #local I = 0;
  #local Traversed = array[dimension_size(BST,1)];
  _BSTPRETraverse(BST, NodeIdx, Traversed, I)

#macro BSTpost(BST, NodeIdx)
/*: BSTpost(BST, Node)

BST Post Order Traversal: Left - Right - Root patern traversal of the tree

Result: an array with the values in 'post order'.
  #macro _BSTPOSTTraverse(BST, NodeIdx, Traversed, I)
    #if(NodeIdx != _Sentinel)
      _BSTPOSTTraverse(BST, bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdx) , Traversed, I)
      _BSTPOSTTraverse(BST, bstNodeRight(BST, NodeIdx), Traversed, I)
      #local Traversed[I] = bstNodeVal(BST, NodeIdx);
      #local I = I + 1;
  #local I = 0;
  #local Traversed = array[dimension_size(BST,1)];
  _BSTPOSTTraverse(BST, NodeIdx, Traversed, I)

#macro BSTdelete(BST, Value)
  /*: BSTDelete(BST, Value)

  Deletes the given value from the BST.

  #local NodeIdxToDelete = BSTsearch(BST, Value);
  #if (NodeIdxToDelete != _Sentinel)
    #local ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete = BSTgetParent(BST, NodeIdxToDelete);
    #local ToLeft = Comp(bstNodeVal(BST, ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete), Value);
    #local ToLeft = Comp(bstNodeVal(BST, ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete), Value);
    // Handle the case of a leaf node
    #if (bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdxToDelete) = _Sentinel & bstNodeRight(BST,
NodeIdxToDelete) = _Sentinel)
      #if (ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete = _Sentinel)
        // Node to be deleted is the root node
        _bstNodeSet(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, NodeInit())
        #if(ToLeft = 1)
          _bstNodeSetLeft(BST, ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete, _Sentinel)
          _bstNodeSetRight(BST, ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete, _Sentinel)
      _bstNodeSet(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, NodeInit())

    // Handle the case of a node with one child
    #if (bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdxToDelete) != _Sentinel & bstNodeRight(BST,
NodeIdxToDelete) = _Sentinel)
      #if (ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete = _Sentinel)
        // Node to be deleted is the root node
        _bstNodeSetVal(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, bstNodeVal(BST, bstNodeLeft(BST,
        _bstNodeSetLeft(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, bstNodeLeft(BST, bstNodeLeft(BST,
        _bstNodeSetRight(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, bstNodeRight(BST,
bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdxToDelete)))
        #if (ToLeft = 1)
          _bstNodeSetLeft(BST, ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete, bstNodeLeft(BST,
          _bstNodeSetRight(BST, ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete, bstNodeLeft(BST,
      _bstNodeSet(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, NodeInit())
    #elseif (bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdxToDelete) = _Sentinel & bstNodeRight(BST,
NodeIdxToDelete) != _Sentinel)
      #if (ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete = _Sentinel)
        // Node to be deleted is the root node
        _bstNodeSetVal(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, bstNodeVal(BST, bstNodeRight(BST,
        _bstNodeSetLeft(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, bstNodeLeft(BST, bstNodeRight(BST,
        _bstNodeSetRight(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, bstNodeRight(BST,
bstNodeRight(BST, NodeIdxToDelete)))
        #if (ToLeft = 1)
          _bstNodeSetLeft(BST, ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete, bstNodeRight(BST,
          _bstNodeSetRight(BST, ParentIdxOfNodeToDelete, bstNodeRight(BST,
      _bstNodeSet(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, NodeInit())

    // Handle the case of a node with two children
    #if (bstNodeLeft(BST, NodeIdxToDelete) != _Sentinel & bstNodeRight(BST,
NodeIdxToDelete) != _Sentinel)
      // Find the in-order successor (smallest value in the right subtree)
      #local InOrderSuccessor = BSTminIdx(BST, bstNodeRight(BST,
      //#debug concat("InOrderSuccessor : ", str(InOrderSuccessor,0,0),"\n")
      // Copy the value of the in-order successor
      #local IOSval = bstNodeVal(BST, InOrderSuccessor);
      // Recursive delete the in-order successor node
      BSTdelete(BST, bstNodeVal(BST, InOrderSuccessor))
      // Paste the value of the in-order successor to "the node to be deleted"
      _bstNodeSetVal(BST, NodeIdxToDelete, IOSval)

    // Node not found, do nothing

//=== Demo & Tests


#declare ValArr = array[13]{3,99,90,6,5,8,-1,34,9,0,13,12,23};

#debug "The data that'll be used for creating the Binary Seach Tree:\n{"
  #debug concat(str(ValArr[I],0,0),", ")
#debug "}\n\n"

#declare BSTree = BSTinit(15); // the tree is bigger than the data amount, it
can be the sam though.
#debug "The content of the tree after initialization:\n"

  BSTinsert(BSTree, ValArr[I])
  //#debug concat("I : ", str(I, 1, 1), " Value : ", str(ValArr[I],0,0),"\n")

#debug "The content of the tree after filling it with data:\n"

#local SearchVal = 3;
#local FoundIdx = BSTsearch(BSTree, SearchVal);
#debug concat("Searched for Value  : "str(SearchVal,0,0), " found at Idx : ",
str(FoundIdx,0,0), "\n\n")

#local NodeIndex = FoundIdx;
#debug concat("The MinVal : ", str(BSTminVal(BSTree, NodeIndex),0,0), " found at
Idx : ", str(BSTminIdx(BSTree, NodeIndex),0,0), " starting from nodeIDx : ",

#local Node = FoundIdx;
#debug concat("Parent of NodeIdx : ", str(Node,0,0), " is NodeIdx :
",str(BSTgetParent(BSTree, Node),0,0),"\n\n")

#debug concat("Tree height : ", str(BSTheight(BSTree, 0),0,0),"\n\n")

#debug "Three ways to travers the BST:\n"
#declare InOrderVals = BSTiot(BSTree, 0);
#debug "BSTiot : "
#for(I, 0, dimension_size(InOrderVals,1) - 1)
  #if(defined(InOrderVals[I]))  // because one can define a bigger array than is
actually used.
    #debug concat(str(InOrderVals[I],7,-1), ", ")
#debug "\n"

#declare PreOrderVals = BSTpre(BSTree, 0);
#debug "BSTpre :  "
#for(I, 0, dimension_size(PreOrderVals,1) - 1)
    #debug concat(str(PreOrderVals[I],7,-1), ", ")
#debug "\n"

#declare PostOrderVals = BSTpost(BSTree, 0);
#debug "BSTpost:  "
#for(I, 0, dimension_size(PostOrderVals,1) - 1)
    #debug concat(str(PostOrderVals[I],7,-1), ", ")
#debug "\n\n"

#declare DelVal = 6;
#debug concat("Value to delete : ",str(DelVal,0,0),"\n")
BSTdelete(BSTree, DelVal)
#debug concat("The BST after deletion of the value: ", str(DelVal,0,0),"\n")

#declare InsVal = 3.3333;
#debug concat("Value to insert : ",str(InsVal,0,3),"\n")
BSTinsert(BSTree, InsVal)
#debug concat("The BST after insertion of the value: ", str(InsVal,0,3),"\n")

#declare InOrderVals = BSTiot(BSTree, 0);
#debug "BSTiot after deletion and insertion of a value : \n"
#for(I, 0, dimension_size(InOrderVals,1) - 1)
  #if(defined(InOrderVals[I]))  // because one can define a bigger array than is
actually used.
    #debug concat(str(InOrderVals[I],7,-1), ", ")
#debug "\n\n"

To redefine for string nodes the following variables
and macro's have to be overwritten
#declare _ValSentinel = "";

#macro IsEqual(A,B)

#macro Comp(A, B)

#macro NodeDebug(Node)

#declare ValArr = array[5]{"A","AAA","AA","B","BB"};
#debug "The data that'll be used for creating the string Binary Seach Tree:\n{"
  #debug concat(ValArr[I],", ")
#debug "}\n\n"

#declare BSTree = BSTinit(5);

  BSTinsert(BSTree, ValArr[I])
  //#debug concat("I : ", str(I, 1, 1), " Value : ", str(ValArr[I],0,0),"\n")

#debug "the BST after insertion of the string nodes:\n"

//The same excercise for creating BST with vector nodes

#declare _ValSentinel = <-999999,-999999,-999999>;

#macro IsEqual(A,B)

#macro Comp(A, B)

#macro NodeDebug(Node)

#declare ValArr = array[5]{<1,1,1>,<1,2,3>,<3,3,3>,<2,3,1>,<9,7,3>};
#declare BSTree = BSTinit(5);

  BSTinsert(BSTree, ValArr[I])
  //#debug concat("I : ", str(I, 1, 1), " Value : ", str(ValArr[I],0,0),"\n")

#declare InOrderVals = BSTiot(BSTree, 0);
#debug "BSTiot : "
#for(I, 0, dimension_size(InOrderVals,1) - 1)
  #if(defined(InOrderVals[I]))  // because one can define a bigger array than is
actually used.
    #debug concat("<",vstr(3,InOrderVals[I],", ",7,-1), ">, ")
#debug "\n"

#declare PreOrderVals = BSTpre(BSTree, 0);
#debug "BSTpre : "
#for(I, 0, dimension_size(PreOrderVals,1) - 1)
    #debug concat("<",vstr(3,PreOrderVals[I],", "7,-1), ">, ")
#debug "\n"

#declare PostOrderVals = BSTpost(BSTree, 0);
#debug "BSTpost : "
#for(I, 0, dimension_size(PostOrderVals,1) - 1)
    #debug concat("<",vstr(3, PostOrderVals[I],", ",7,-1), ">, ")
#debug "\n"

#declare DelVal = <1,2,3>;
#debug concat("Value to delete : <",vstr(3,DelVal,", ", 0,0),">\n")
BSTdelete(BSTree, DelVal)

#end //demo section

#version BST_Inc_Temp;

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