On 2025-01-02 13:55 (-4), Maetes wrote:
> Unfortunately, I can't find any item of my personal wish list (except for
> optional parameters) in the revision list of version 3.8.
> These are:
> - spherical heightfields
> - Type-Identification
> - new functions to handle strings/arrays
> - Object-Oriented Programming (Classes)
On my own wish list:
- An end to scope leakage. #local scope does not stay local, which
means that if you write a library, you have to read the minds of
every other POVer on earth.
- A call stack postmortem, so you can determine where the parse error
*really* occurred.
But as jr alluded to, the parser is the biggest monster to be slain in
this software. It's a recursive descent algorithm and very inflexible.
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