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Hi , I am a student user of pov ray . since pov ray is code editor , I want find
a way to build a user GUI, which can increase the interaction between user and
the code.
For example, when we modify the light in a frame, user can through the GUI
type the number rather than go through the pov files .
How should I do ?
Really thanks for your help.
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"349409669" <349### [at] qq com> wrote:
> Hi , I am a student user of pov ray . since pov ray is code editor , I want find
> a way to build a user GUI, which can increase the interaction between user and
> the code.
> For example, when we modify the light in a frame, user can through the GUI
> type the number rather than go through the pov files .
> How should I do ?
> Really thanks for your help.
Now my solution is define some parameter in the ini file using ini call for the
pov file , but I want build an interface to control the parameters
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349409669 wrote:
> Now my solution is define some parameter in the ini file using ini call for the
> pov file , but I want build an interface to control the parameters
Maybe Moray is what you are looking for:
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"349409669" <349### [at] qq com> wrote:
> Hi , I am a student user of pov ray . since pov ray is code editor , I want find
> a way to build a user GUI, which can increase the interaction between user and
> the code.
> For example, when we modify the light in a frame, user can through the GUI
> type the number rather than go through the pov files .
> How should I do ?
> Really thanks for your help.
To my opinion, and according to my (somewhat limited) experience, scripting is
far more efficient than modelling with a 'wysiwyg' GUI, unless you use mainly
meshed objects, for which you need a specialized modeller (you can find some
that export meshes to POV-Ray).
To answer your question, perhaps one can use other handy langages, like python
or so, to write a GUI that generates POV-SDL. But I am afraid it would not be
that easy. Not so much easier than getting acustomed to scripting. However, it
would take a non neglectable amount of time to develop because the subject of 3D
is complex and POV-Ray deals with many aspects of it. See the richness of SDL...
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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: Really need help for pov ray
Date: 7 Jan 2013 18:19:28
Message: <50eb5800@news.povray.org>
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On second thought, you probably mean something like this:
Extend povray by a syntax such as
#parameter X = 5;
#parameter Y = 5;
for parametrizing scenes. This would be like declare but when
a render is started a dialog window opens with a property window
and allowing to change the default parameter values. Only after
clicking ok start the actual render.
But frankly I think it is not so convenient. Probably better to
write a front-end in another language that writes the INI file and
starts POV-Ray.
Note that you can also pass parameters on the command line
when starting povraz (Declare=IDENTIFIER=FLOAT).
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