POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : any way use povray in visual basic Server Time
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  any way use povray in visual basic (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: ricky312
Subject: any way use povray in visual basic
Date: 5 Aug 2010 03:20:00
Message: <web.4c5a6528f431f4c0824827c70@news.povray.org>
i know there must be a way to do it because i have seen programs with user
interfaces that use pov-ray moray for instance. is there maybe a plugin for
visual basic(free version)or do i have to do it all in c++.
thanks in advance.

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From: Christian Froeschlin
Subject: Re: any way use povray in visual basic
Date: 5 Aug 2010 18:07:04
Message: <4c5b3608$1@news.povray.org>
ricky312 wrote:

> i know there must be a way to do it because i have seen programs with user
> interfaces that use pov-ray moray for instance. is there maybe a plugin for
> visual basic(free version)or do i have to do it all in c++.

you can just shell out and call the povray executable.
In fact, I think for licensing reasons you need to do
it like that anyway.

If you wish to implement a "GUI extension" it will probably be
more convenient to use C/C++ (although the pvguiext.h api looks
like could access it via P/Invoke from VB.NET).

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From: trp
Subject: Re: any way use povray in visual basic
Date: 7 Aug 2010 20:05:00
Message: <web.4c5df3ad7c1e70dfbba08f230@news.povray.org>
"ricky312" <ddo### [at] charternet> wrote:
> i know there must be a way to do it because i have seen programs with user
> interfaces that use pov-ray moray for instance. is there maybe a plugin for
> visual basic(free version)or do i have to do it all in c++.
> thanks in advance.

Christian suggests. My program communicates with the GUI extension DLL by way of
DDE.  It commands POV to render the code my program created. When the render is
done the GUI extension posts a Windows message back to my program telling it the

program in C++. But I think it could be done with Visual Basic. The DLL example
is in C though.

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From: ricky312
Subject: Re: any way use povray in visual basic
Date: 8 Aug 2010 17:50:01
Message: <web.4c5f25777c1e70df824827c70@news.povray.org>
"trp" <trp### [at] imagicproductionscom> wrote:
> "ricky312" <ddo### [at] charternet> wrote:
> > i know there must be a way to do it because i have seen programs with user
> > interfaces that use pov-ray moray for instance. is there maybe a plugin for
> > visual basic(free version)or do i have to do it all in c++.
> > thanks in advance.

> Christian suggests. My program communicates with the GUI extension DLL by way of
> DDE.  It commands POV to render the code my program created. When the render is
> done the GUI extension posts a Windows message back to my program telling it the

> program in C++. But I think it could be done with Visual Basic. The DLL example
> is in C though.

thanks guys for your help. I wasn't sure if i could do this, but it looks like
if i can write programs (if i can just learn to script:) ) I can render an
output image from the programs itself. If i am understanding it right, that is.

i want to be able to make a terrain rendering program using media and
isosurfaces, i already have the povray script and i wanted to be able to give it
an gui.

thanks for your help.

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