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Hi :-),
I need help, I am making a stadium and I want to do people on it, I made it,
everything was good but, all of them had the same t-shirt, so I wanted to use
randomize function (this is my code):
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "arrays.inc"
#declare lors = array[5] {Black,White,Red,Green,Blue}
#declare RS = seed(1215);
// camera ---------------------------------
camera {location <0.0 , 20 ,-34>
look_at <0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0>}
// sun ------------------------------------
light_source{<150,2500,150> color White}
// sky -----------------------------------
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient <0,1,0>
color_map { [0.00 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
[0.35 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]
[0.65 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]
[1.00 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
scale 2
} // end of pigment
} //end of skysphere -----------
// ground ---------------------------------
plane{ <0,0.0001,0>, 0
pigment {color White}
} // end of texture
} // end of plane
#declare kolorek = str((Rand_Array_Item(lors,RS))
#declare chopek = union{
difference {
sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 0.2 scale <0,4,0>}
box {<0,0,0>, <1,0,1> }
pigment {color Red}
sphere { <0, 0.7, 0>, 0.1 pigment {color Yellow} scale <0,1.3,0>}
#local Index1 = 1;
#local Index3 = 0;
#while(Index1 <= 20)
#local Index2 = 0;
#while(Index2 <= 280)
object {chopek translate <Index3, Index1*0.5, Index2*0.5> pigment { color
kolorek }
#if (Index2= 20 | Index2=65 | Index2 = 110 | Index2 = 155 | Index2 = 200
| Index2 = 245)
#local Index2 = Index2 + 5;
#local Index2 = Index2 + 1;
#local Index1 = Index1 + 1;
#local Index3 = Index3 +1;
Any ideas, solutions to my problem? I have error in the line:
--object {chopek translate <Index3, Index1*0.5, Index2*0.5> pigment { color
kolorek }--
I tried declared "kolorek" with object and brackets and without it but it still
does'nt work. Please help friends.
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"Jimi aka James" <pat### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> #declare lors = array[5] {Black,White,Red,Green,Blue}
Here, you declare "lors" as an array of colors...
> #declare kolorek = str((Rand_Array_Item(lors,RS))
.... here you seem to read out the array, and convert it to a string (why?? and
I'm rather surprised that you don't get an error here already)...
> object {chopek translate <Index3, Index1*0.5, Index2*0.5> pigment { color
> kolorek }
.... while here again you want to have it interpreted as a color.
I guess it should work fine if you remove the "str()" from the declaration of
"kolorek"; actually, I think it should read:
#declare kolorek = Rand_Array_Item(lors,RS);
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I was a bit too quick with my answer; there's another flaw in your code, which
will result the t-shirt color to be random, but still the same for all people:
> //------------------------------------------
> #declare kolorek = str((Rand_Array_Item(lors,RS))
> #declare chopek = union{
> [...]
> #local Index1 = 1;
> #local Index3 = 0;
> #while(Index1 <= 20)
> #local Index2 = 0;
> #while(Index2 <= 280)
> object {chopek translate <Index3, Index1*0.5, Index2*0.5> pigment { color
> kolorek }
> [...]
You pick the "kolorek" value before the loop. However, I guess you want to pick
the value at random for each element in the loop; in order to do this, the
structure of your code should be:
#declare chopek = union {
#while (...)
#declare kolorek = Rand_Array_Item(lors,RS);
object { chopek ... pigment { color kolorek } }
That is, you need to explicitly pick a new color for every iteration of the
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Thx a lot guys... I was thinking a lot about this, and with your ideas I find
solution :) This is the working code:
#local Index1 = 1;
#local Index3 = 0;
#declare chopek = union{
difference {
sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 0.2 scale <0,4,0>}
box {<0,0,0>, <1,0,1> }
} // end of union
#declare glowa = union {
sphere { <0, 0.7, 0>, 0.1 scale <0,1.3,0> pigment {color Yellow}}}
#while(Index1 <= 20)
#local Index2 = 0;
#while(Index2 <= 280)
#declare kolorek = (Rand_Array_Item(lors,RS));
object {chopek translate <Index3, Index1*0.5, Index2*0.5> pigment { color
kolorek }}
object {glowa translate <Index3, Index1*0.5, Index2*0.5>}
#if (Index2= 20 | Index2=65 | Index2 = 110 | Index2 = 155 | Index2 = 200
| Index2 = 245)
#local Index2 = Index2 + 5;
#local Index2 = Index2 + 1;
#local Index1 = Index1 + 1;
#local Index3 = Index3 +1;
The declare of my chopek (man) and glowa (head) have to be declared before loop.
Str wasn't thing what I needed as you said.
And now as a dessert my work, people on the stadium on the bottom seats :-)
Once again thx for help :-)
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Jimi aka James wrote:
> And now as a dessert my work, people on the stadium on the bottom seats :-)
Looks very nice. However, you should add a small random element to
the position as well, it's a bit too regular for people. Also, making
the glowas a tiny bit larger and using color "Tan" instead of
"Yellow" could help, too.
Also note that your statements "scale <0,N,0>" actually mean
"scale <1,N,1>". Although POV can handle this for being able to
imply use "scale N*y", writing the 0 explicitely is misleading.
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Jimi aka James wrote:
> Hi :-),
> I need help, I am making a stadium and I want to do people on it, I made
> it, everything was good but, all of them had the same t-shirt, so I wanted
> to use randomize function (this is my code):
This is the wrong group for this question. This group is for discussion of
the POV-Ray source code, not general questions of using POV-Ray. Questions
about using POV-Ray should be asked/made in either povray.general or
(again, posting before Thorsten has to :D)
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Nicolas Alvarez <nic### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> Jimi aka James wrote:
> > Hi :-),
> > I need help, I am making a stadium and I want to do people on it, I made
> > it, everything was good but, all of them had the same t-shirt, so I wanted
> > to use randomize function (this is my code):
> This is the wrong group for this question. This group is for discussion of
> the POV-Ray source code, not general questions of using POV-Ray. Questions
> about using POV-Ray should be asked/made in either povray.general or
> povray.newusers.
> --
> Nicolás
> (again, posting before Thorsten has to :D)
I know it's wrong group, but I want to show final effect of my work.
Here is the link to youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6puZu9MxY4 .
I'm beginner in using POv-ray so don't laugh :P
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