I just fixed a memory de-allocation bug in UVPov, so anyone who is using it
should get the latest version. The new version also has one subtle yet very
important syntactical change (see below). Oh, ya... I was playing and I made
cylindrical light sources have parallel light rays. Let me know if you like
that last change... it is just an experiment.
-Nathan Kopp
The rule used to be:
The keyword "uv_mapping" must be the first object modifier.
Now it reads:
The keyword "uv_mapping" can only be used on objects that do not yet have
a texture.
Why is this the case? Normally, when you transform an object, you transform
the texture too. When a texture is uv-mapped, you do NOT want to apply
the object's transforms to the texture. So you must specify the uv mapping
before you specify the texture so that POV knows not to mess with the
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> I just fixed a memory de-allocation bug in UVPov,
> so anyone who is using it should get the latest version.
Thanks for your work, Nathan.
Those of you who would like to try out Nathan's latest patch can obtain
UVPov at:
- Alan
"Art reaches its greatest peak when devoid of self-consciousness.
Freedom discovers man the moment he loses concern over what
impression he is making or about to make." - Bruce Lee (1947 - 1973)
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