In article <362f6c03.138438362@news.povray.org> , par### [at] mailfwicom (Ronald L.
Parker) wrote:
>Well, it doesn't include the makefile. I wasn't aware that the
>makefile was considered "source code." But it does include directions
>on creating your own makefile from the 3.02 version, assuming you have
>some familiarity with your make. All other source is unmodified from
>official POV-Team distributions, except for the obvious modifications
>to optout.h.
Well, thats how I read the lines "The goal is that users must be able
to re-compile the program themselves" - how can they without a makefile?
Thorsten Froehlich, Duisburg, Germany
e-mail: Tho### [at] csicom
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On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 19:00:27 -0500, "Thorsten Froehlich"
<fro### [at] charliecnsiitedu> wrote:
>In article <362f6c03.138438362@news.povray.org> , par### [at] mailfwicom (Ronald L.
Parker) wrote:
>>Well, it doesn't include the makefile. I wasn't aware that the
>>makefile was considered "source code." But it does include directions
>>on creating your own makefile from the 3.02 version, assuming you have
>>some familiarity with your make. All other source is unmodified from
>>official POV-Team distributions, except for the obvious modifications
>>to optout.h.
>Well, thats how I read the lines "The goal is that users must be able
>to re-compile the program themselves" - how can they without a makefile?
Well, 'gcc *.c unix/*.c' with appropriate other command-line
parameters works, for sufficiently small values of 'works' For
that matter, I don't include any source whatsoever, since it's
identical in nearly every respect to the DOS source they can already
get from povray.org. That makes it even harder to rebuild my
distribution, I suppose.
Let me put it this way: the makefile I used is not suitable for
distribution. It would not stand up to repeated builds, because it
does not include proper dependencies for media.c or interior.c. If
someone authoritative says I have to include it, I'll just stop
distributing the entire thing instead. Sheesh, I'm trying to do y'all
a favor by getting some of the Linux types to leave you alone.
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to help you out I've attached the makefile I used on our SPARC Solaris.
You may need to get the zlib and png things back together.
I got the dependencies for media.c and interior.c from the dos djg...
makefile. So there are dependencies included, though they are 'just a
good guess'.
But the binaries run, both povray and x-povray.
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