POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : povmodeler : Re: povmodeler Server Time
17 Feb 2025 21:47:39 EST (-0500)
  Re: povmodeler  
From: jr
Date: 4 Dec 2018 11:30:05
Message: <web.5c06aaf2f7e9e652e43b71790@news.povray.org>
"jr" <cre### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> I get an error due, it seems, to the name of one library.

solved, in a hack-ish way.  there is a file 'link.txt' which controls the
linking, and removing the redundant '-lOPenGL' switch does it.

running into other problems though, one of which is opening one of the example
scenes ("media1.kpm") results in an error dialog "Could not load the document's
data".  the other is .. copious, mostly warnings, output during execution:

jr@crow:6:povmodeler$ ./povmodeler
QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "-dri"
QObject::connect: No such signal QMenu::activated(int)
Serialization method for  "Light"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "GlobalSettings"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Interior"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Pattern"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Normal"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Warp"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Finish"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Media"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "GraphicalObject"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Pigment"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Texture"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "BicubicPatch"  shadows old implementation
Serialization method for  "Triangle"  shadows old implementation

QObject::connect: No such signal QWidgetAction::valueChanged(int)
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
PMSPhere::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1
PMSphere::setVSteps: V must be greater than 3
PMCylinder::setSteps: S must be greater than 3
PMCone::setSteps: S must be greater than 4
PMTorus::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1
PMTorus::setVSteps: V must be greater than 3
PMLathe::setSSteps: S must be greater than 0
PMLathe::setRSteps: R must be greater than 3
PMSurfaceOfRevolution::setSSteps: S must be greater than 0
PMSurfaceOfRevolution::setRSteps: R must be greater than 3
PMPrism::setSSteps: S must be greater than 0
PMPlane::setPlaneSize: Size must be greater than 0.1
PMDisc::setSteps: S must be greater than 3
PMBlobSphere::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1
PMBlobSphere::setVSteps: V must be greater than 3
PMBlobCylinder::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1
PMBlobCylinder::setVSteps: V must be greater than 3
PMSuperquadricEllipsoid::setUSteps: U must be greater than 1
PMSuperquadricEllipsoid::setVSteps: V must be greater than 1
PMSphereSweep::setRSteps: R must be greater than 3
PMSphereSweep::setSSteps: S must be greater than 0
PMHeightField::setVariance: V must be less than 52 & greater than 0

Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
Asking for share context for widget that does not have a window handle
QOpenGLWidget: Cannot be used without a context shared with the toplevel.
pmshell desctructor
dockmainwindow desctructor

that's linked against qt5.

regards, jr.

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