i just ran cppcheck for povray sources:
[libraries/tiff/libtiff/tif_ojpeg.c:925]: (error) Invalid number of character
'(' when these macros are defined: 'C_LOSSLESS_SUPPORTED;OJPEG_SUPPORT;never'.
ok, 'never' should obviously never be defined, otherwise it would not compile.
[libraries/tiff/contrib/stream/tiffstream.cpp:117]: (error) Uninitialized
variable: ostr
ostream* ostr;
if(ts->m_outStream != NULL) {
ostr = ts->m_outStream;
} else if(ts->m_ioStream != NULL) {
ostr = ts->m_ioStream;
streampos start = ostr->tellp();
Here another else branch would be good in order to handle the case of
ts->m_outStream == NULL and ts->m_ioStream == NULL
(if that is possible (who knows))
[libraries/tiff/tools/tiffsplit.c:64]: (error) Buffer overrun possible for long
command line arguments.
might be triggered from the outside, if tiffsplit is used at all.
[source/base/povmscpp.cpp:1757]: (error) Memory leak: nodeptr
In case of an exception nodeptr cannot be freed anymore...
[source/base/povmscpp.cpp:1781]: (error) Memory leak: nodeptr
In case of an exception nodeptr cannot be freed anymore...
In both cases could
err = POVMS_InstallReceiver(context, ReceiveHandler, hclass, hid, (void
if(err != pov_base::kNoErr)
be moved to the beginning of the method? I see no dependency to local variables
The return value of malloc() should be checked before usage.
Hope you find that useful, best regards Heiko
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