POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Compiling 3.7 RC7 with Visual Studio Express 2012 : Re: Compiling 3.7 RC7 with Visual Studio Express 2012 Server Time
8 Oct 2024 04:18:36 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Compiling 3.7 RC7 with Visual Studio Express 2012  
From: atlaste
Date: 13 Jul 2015 13:45:01
Message: <web.55a3f7f7527de37e6d0f10450@news.povray.org>
> Wait... what?
> There's not a single "boost::tr1" in the code.

Well, yes and no. There a bunch of 'using' statements in the code, that are the
root cause of the issues I had yesterday. I cannot recall the details to be
honest - then again, I also didn't plan for fixing compiler errors for hours on
end. My original intention was to leave it all alone; until my latest port
yesterday that worked just fine here.

Unfortunately, yesterday something changed that made it impossible for me to do
the above 'tricks', due to name conflicts in boost::tr1:: and std:: . Deliberate
or not, the fact is that it didn't work anymore.

I guess that a better solution would be to use a #define with a namespace based
on the compiler; still, I didn't really feel like making such a huge change

If you browse through my changes, you'll notice that I I haven't changed the
boost libraries themselves and only changed a handful of things. From the top of
my mind:

- std::smart_ptr
- std::vector
- std::bind, std::placeholder::_*

All of these are well supported iirc, and I've checked the features that are
used for incompatible use. Still, if you know a better solution than my
solution, please be my guest.

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