POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Modify source code of program POVRAY + MPI (please Help) : Re: Modify source code of program POVRAY + MPI (please Help) Server Time
20 Jan 2025 16:49:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: Modify source code of program POVRAY + MPI (please Help)  
From: clipka
Date: 30 May 2014 06:48:39
Message: <53886207$1@news.povray.org>
Am 30.05.2014 09:42, schrieb gaprie:

> Which the source file from source code of program (before builded), which
> receives the value of the variable rows and columns, width and height.
>   (ex: "povray +SR1 +ER100 +W400 +H300 +Ipawns.pov").
> if I find it, I want to try to modify it a bit will be added with coding MPI.

POV-Ray already uses a kind of (proprietary) message-passing interface 
to transfer data between the "front-end" (which evaluates the command 
line and INI file, and also assembles the final image from the computed 
pixel data) and the "back-end" (which parses the scene file and does the 
actual computations).

In the back-end, the image size options from command line and INI file 
are evaluated in View::StartRender(), which is defined in 

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