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From: Mueen Nawaz
Subject: Re: POVRAY v4 SDL, Basic/Advanced/Intermediate
Date: 20 Apr 2009 22:13:42
Message: <49ed2bd6@news.povray.org>
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triple_r wrote:
> Vectorize, vectorize, vectorize!
See my other post.
"Now we all know map companies hire guys who specialize in making map
folding a physical impossibility" - Adult Kevin Arnold in "Wonder Years"
/\ /\ /\ /
/ \/ \ u e e n / \/ a w a z
>>>>>>mue### [at] nawazorg<<<<<<
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triple_r wrote:
> Mueen Nawaz <m.n### [at] ieeeorg> wrote:
>> nemesis wrote:
>>> There's scypy and numpy for people who want good performance and
>>> higher-level semantics. :)
>> Yeah, but not on par with C, etc.
> Vectorize, vectorize, vectorize!
I hate to argue like this, but let me ask an irritating question. Why
do a lot of people use C/C++ for heavy computation if they could do it
with MATLAB (cost is not always an issue, and a number of these people
aren't necessarily dealing with huge datasets)?
I doubt the reason for most of them is that they don't know about
"Now we all know map companies hire guys who specialize in making map
folding a physical impossibility" - Adult Kevin Arnold in "Wonder Years"
/\ /\ /\ /
/ \/ \ u e e n / \/ a w a z
>>>>>>mue### [at] nawazorg<<<<<<
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Mueen Nawaz <m.n### [at] ieeeorg> wrote:
> triple_r wrote:
> > Vectorize, vectorize, vectorize!
> See my other post.
Sorry. I read from top to bottom and commented as I went, but I do see that
this is a bit redundant. Repetitive, too.
- Ricky
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Mueen Nawaz <m.n### [at] ieeeorg> wrote:
> triple_r wrote:
> I hate to argue like this, but let me ask an irritating question.
I think we're mostly in agreement about this. I find that most of the data
processing I do, including conditionals and such, can be vectorized just fine,
although you're correct in saying that some things just don't vectorize.
> Why
> do a lot of people use C/C++ for heavy computation if they could do it
> with MATLAB
I think there's comfort in doing the low-level details yourself. I'm guilty of
this, and only just figuring out that most of what I spend my time doing has
already been done pretty well in a high-level language.
> I doubt the reason for most of them is that they don't know about
> vectorize.
True, although in my experience, most people don't. The first language I ever
learned was actually the POV-Ray SDL, and it really stuck with me to do all of
the low-level details yourself, relying only on some basic functions. It works
pretty well for POV-Ray scenes since most don't involve heavy processing, but
sooner or later you start to run into problems. It's the classic, "If all you
have is a hammer..." scenario.
- Ricky
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Making a language easy is not really an issue, if it's too low level, someone
will aether build a library or a simpler language on top of it.
If you want something simpler, make your compiler that generates DSL. Just like
a M$ Workflow diagram "gets compiled to" (generates) C#, which gets compiled
into IL which at last gets compiled into a CPU instruction set.
If you don't like keyboards, code with your mouse using a modeler :-)
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Louis schrieb:
> Making a language easy is not really an issue, if it's too low level, someone
> will aether build a library or a simpler language on top of it.
> If you want something simpler, make your compiler that generates DSL. Just like
> a M$ Workflow diagram "gets compiled to" (generates) C#, which gets compiled
> into IL which at last gets compiled into a CPU instruction set.
> If you don't like keyboards, code with your mouse using a modeler :-)
It would be of quite some benefit to be able to share scene files and
include files between POV-Ray users, without needing to get half a dozen
or more different libraries, on-top languages and what-have-you-nots to
(Even if your suggested approach would be the way to go, it would not
change the fact that thought should be put into the design of the
language - if not how to make it easiest for users, then how to make it
most flexible for adding libraries or auto-generating code.)
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