Attached scene and image files demonstrating suggested new features(*)
using crackle's solid mode.
The offset / 'ip_offset' in yuqk is fixed / changed so it is applied
just prior to the return of the pattern's value. This means unlike
official POV-Ray it works with the solid mode.
The yuqk fork has added 'ip_strength' and 'ip_raw_return' features.
The top row of the image shows the three noise generator options (1,2,3).
The middle row shows the three noise generator options (1,2,3), but now
using 'ip_strength <0,0,0> so that the cube centers running from -4,-4,0
to 4,4,0 (**) are used as seeds for Noise(). It shows especially the
weakness of the original perlin noise implementation(***) - middle, right.
The bottom row uses the default noise generator 2 always and:
Left: ip_strength <0.5,0,0>
Middle: ip_strength <0,2,0> // can cheat >1 with solid mode
Right: ip_repeat <2,2,0> ip_strength <0,0,0.7>
Bill P.
(*) - Additional features likely still to come, but work is stalled due
cache issue.
(**) - There are optimizations which make this statement a bit of a lie.
(***) - We are landing on the grid boundaries - the Noise() value range
only 0.459921 - 0.524583. An improved perlin noise implementation
exists, but it is not available in POV-Ray.
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Download 'crkl_solid.pov.txt' (6 KB)
Download 'crkl_solid_story.jpg' (270 KB)
Preview of image 'crkl_solid_story.jpg'
