Web Message: <61563f4b$1@news.povray.org>
Firstly, FWIW, I now think the real time rendering (RTR) memory bubble
is primarily due the POV-Ray Messaging System (POVMS) backing up.
Though, other things certainly affect the total memory consumed.
I've added a couple real time rendering extensions to my povr playpen
Co-opted the Cyclic_Animation=true|false (+-kc) capability for real time
rendering(1). The control already existed for non-RTR animations. The
real time rendering now stops at the end of the camera list unless +kc
is used. Perhaps too help for how large the memory bubble gets.
A Real_Time_Capture=true|false (+-rtc) capability. Which currently
writes pfm, 32 bit float rgb files for each frame to the current
directory. These can, for example, be converted to full float exr files
with the openimageio-tools' iconvert utility.
The +rtc mode also bypasses the usual internal messaging framework used
for the preview display. To render one scene to a pfm file one would
turn off the Clockless_Animation(1), -kla, as in: '... +rtr +rtc -kla
-kc ...'
(1) The Clockless_Animation animation feature, as currently implemented,
is in fact a: "Cylic rendering of a list of cameras during RTR." So,
today we have a ByCameras_Animation for RTR - though other clockless
animation approaches are possible.
For an example animation see:
Web Message: <6174929b$1@news.povray.org>
Bill P.
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