pushed for time currently, sorry for omission(s).
"ingo" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
thx for the Nim ref.
> ...
> For writing, syntax and usability testing, of a new SDL language one could write
> a small language, parser and SDL1 transpiler. With a subset of SDL a lot can be
> testet. The output can be the simplest form of current POV-Ray SDL with loops
> enrolled etc.
and Bald Eagle wrote:
> At this juncture, we really need a functional flowchart showing exactly HOW
> POV-Ray goes from the SDL in .pov file to the final rendered image.
diagrams and charts, _yes_. to add.
I do think the "new POV-Ray" should ship with built-in "schizophrenia" ;-). if
a version number of less than n.n is given, or the version is missing, the job
goes to the old parser/POV-Ray as of 3.8 (?), else it'll be a version indicating
"SDL2" and the new code takes over.
we need to start with the outline of the "backend", the render engine. aiui, a
(LL)Virtual Machine is (was?) supposed to be "platform". as the design of the
LLVM firms up we'll get the (first cut at the) "API".
once there's a specialised rendering "API", we can start thinking about language
features for, I hope, a SDL which compiles[*] to the LLVM low-level
[*] many scripting languages, including PHP and Tcl, compile "just-in-time".
with a bit of luck almost all of this can (and should) be "transparent" to us
regards, jr.
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