POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.pov4.discussion.general : 3D warp repeat for primitives : Re: 3D warp repeat for primitives Server Time
13 Oct 2024 19:04:35 EDT (-0400)
  Re: 3D warp repeat for primitives  
From: Leroy
Date: 7 Aug 2024 19:45:00
Message: <web.66b405a3c952a0696d8e6dacf712fc00@news.povray.org>
"Bald Eagle" <cre### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> At present, I can define a set of functions to be evaluated as a pigment {}
> pattern, and can use the repeat warp to infinitely tile a plane (or, I suppose,
> all of 3D space)
> However what I cannot do (*) is define a set of objects like spheres, and have
> them infinitely repeated using the repeat warp.
>* Now, what I can envision is somehow using the object {} pattern to laboriously
> achieve this with some well thought out nesting of the inside and outside
> textures (I do not have the ability to test this at the present moment) -
> however that seems to be very labor intensive, takes a bit of skill and/or macro
> writing, and may not work as I imagine it could.

There no infinitely repeating objects! There is a limit. Even with functions
there a point where pov variables can't reach. I was playing with the random
seed the other day to see just how big of number in would take. After 10 digits
the seed acted like only the first 10 where used.

 If I understand you right, you're trying to fake it with a pattern that holds
all the different textures of a union of objects, that can use a warp repeat
type function to fix things up.
 The trouble with pigments or textures is that they need an object to be on. And
any object used only shows what hits it. If you want to see a union of objects
as a 3d pattern you need something 3d that shows only what is part of the
pattern and let light pass through otherwise.
 My first thought was df3 files with media . It might work for pigments only but
trying to use the full texture function might cause problems. And df3 files have
to be large to keep from being  grainy and they are limited.
 Any way I look at it, even if we got something to work it would only be
effective for a relative short distance before it blurs out like most textures

Have Fun

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