Cousin Ricky <ric### [at] yahoo com> wrote:
> On 2024-06-27 11:44 (-4), William F Pokorny wrote:
> > Release R15 of the yuqk fork has an implementation supporting constant
> > identifiers / macro parameters. They are indicated by using a leading
> > '_' character in the name.
> I also agree with Ingo: a keyword or directive would be better, such as:
> #const MagicNumber = 12345;
> I'm thinking a keyword modifier would be more flexible than a directive,
> for example:
> #declare const GlobalVal = 12345;
> #local const LocalVal = 54321;
Hmmm. Yes, but maybe no?
Why not just have another separate type of declaration?
We've also discussed
as well as PRAGMA
So maybe #constant can ONLY be changed by specifically using another #constant
I dunno - I'm not really a computer language person, but the pro's and cons of
each approach ought to be hashed out with an eye towards Pov-Ray 4.0
- BW
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