William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> Release R15 of the yuqk fork has an implementation supporting constant
> identifiers / macro parameters. They are indicated by using a leading
> '_' character in the name.
> Aside: I have hopes this mechanism a step toward enabling the safe
> passing of function pointers into yuqk's inbuilt functions.
> Attached a first pass at a little documentation for the feature.
> Bill P.
Very nice - I hope that works out the way you/we/everyone would like.
"Parse Error:
Attempt to #undef a constant identifier.
The identifier is:
Due the leading '_' the existing identifier can only be read.
Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input."
Is that a scene-wide global thing?
Due to some need to actually undefine or redefine a variable, maybe the leading
underscore could be a safeguard, rather than a complete lockout.
Maybe have some mechanism by which you can do the equivalent of su in a shell to
override the protections set in place to prevent casual/inadvertent overwriting.
Only saying this because it might make some things pretty awkward to code from
scratch / covert from legacy scenes into yuqk.
I dunno - maybe doing scene development you might want to have the safeguard in
place for the main scene, but during experimentation you want to turn off the
protection, but not scene-wide, only in the little test block of code that
you're fiddling with.
Just a thought.
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