Peter Hokanson <pch### [at] mindspringcom> wrote:
> from povray import *
> MyTex = texture(pigment=(1,1,1))
> sphere((0,0,0),5,texture=MyTex)
Fine. Can we also write this as
How about more complex scenarios, like multi-layered textures for instance?
> Also, Python is pretty fast, and could implement custom features/shaders
> without recompiling POV:
> class MyCam(camera):
> def makeRay(x,y):
> """Define a ray from the camera from x,y pixels"""
> return ray(...)
See MegaPOV for how such a thing can be done even with the POV 3.6 framework.
> def myfunc(x,y,z):
> """We could use traditional Python functions for isosurfaces and similar"""
> return x+y+z
I see no valid point of using "traditional Python functions" in favor over any
other "traditional <YourFavoriteLanguage> functions" (including traditional POV
3.x SDL functions, the only ones to which I would attribute some inherent
favorability in this context).
> One of the things that has annoyed me about the existing SDL as of late is
> that not all blocks can be declared (patterns and others cannot be).
That's a totally different story. I guess *any* new SDL should address that -
and I guess any new SDL *will* address that, provided it is designed with a
sufficient degree of inherent formalism.
At its core, a next generation SDL should not know about spheres, textures,
patterns etc - all these should be just specific objects to the SDL, and
therefore all handled basically the same: They should use the same basic syntax
to create them, be all storable in variables, use the same syntax to evaluate
such a variable, etc.
The only things that might be worth treating specially are vectors and colors I
guess, as these are about as essential to POV as numbers and strings.
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