I fear your fears don't really exist. :)
"Woody" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> As many others Like Warp and Clipka have mentioned, people that are scared away
> by SDLs often prefer graphical modellers. Very complicated SDLs that look like
> C/C++, Python, Java, etc. and also be scary.
What is really scary is to think people can even think a Python-like SDL would
be as complicated and scary like C/C++ or Java.
> My fear is that POVRay v4 SDL becomes too basic people will opt for an
> alternative like Blender,
This is false: people opting for Blender are not doing it because it is
scriptable in Python rather than POV's SDL.
> whereas if it becomes too advanced they will opt for
> something more like OpenGL (even though it is not technically a ray-tracer, the
> simmilar difficult may make it appealing).
So, if it becomes "advanced and complicated" as Python, people will opt to make
inumerous low-level verbose calls to OpenGL? riiiight...
More than anything, I fear you don't understand the technical jargon you're
talking about.
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