I'll try to describe what I have currently in mind. But first let me present to
you a kind of "hello world" scene written in that language:
include "colors.inc";
SphereCenter = <0,1,0>;
sphere {
center: SphereCenter;
radius: 1 as SphereRadius;
texture {
pigment { color: #<1,0,0> }
} as MainSphere;
plane {
normal: <1,1,0>;
offset: SphereRadius;
texture {
pigment { color: #<0,1,0> };
for I = 1 to 100 do
sphere {
radius: 0.1;
center: y * SphereRadius;
rotate((x * rand() as local R1 * 2 * pi), (y * rand() * 2 * pi));
texture {
pigment { color: #<0,0,R1> };
modify MainSphere {
radius: 0.9;
MainSphere {
center: .center + y*0.5;
Some things about the basic formalism:
- There is always a "current object"
- Expressions by themselves constitute a statement basically saying "apply this
to the current object in the manner making most sense" (the definition of which
is up to that object).
- "sphere{...}" is an expression returning a sphere. As a matter of fact, it is
an expression taking a "prototype" object (in this case *the* prototype sphere)
and a "modification block" describing how the desired object differs from that
prototype. (Similarly, "MainSphere{...}" takes MainSphere as a prototype to
build yet another one.) Within that modification block, the newly created
object is the current one.
- "rotate(...) and translate()" are functions both returning a transformation;
as an expression-only statement, these transformations are applied to the
current object (which hopefully knows what to do with them).
- "modify MainSphere{...}" is a statement taking a "modification block" as well,
in this case describing how the object itself is to be changed.
- adding "as <Name>" to an expression stores the value of that expression for
later use, serving as an "on-the-fly assignment"
- variables are global by default when assigned; in expressions, local variables
take precedence. Local variables are visible only in the code block in which
they are used (in case of the "R1" variable, this is the enclosing for loop)
- the current object's properties are assigned to using "<Name>: <Value>" to
avoid mixups with local and global variables
- the current object's properties can also be accessed using ".<Name>"; note
that this also allows for ".<Name> = <Value>", but using so makes the code ugly
as it optically disrupts indentation ;)
- "MainSphere["center"]" and "MainSphere.center" are equivalent notation. Only
works with strings conforming to identifier rules of course.
- the language will ultimately provide means to roll your own objects (thereby
allowing to create very powerful "macros")
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