POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.pov4.discussion.general : Suggest v4.0 keep enhanced marble pattern. (yuqk R17 v0.6.11.0) : Re: Suggest v4.0 keep enhanced marble pattern. (yuqk R17 v0.6.11.0) Server Time
25 Jan 2025 10:11:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: Suggest v4.0 keep enhanced marble pattern. (yuqk R17 v0.6.11.0)  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 14 Nov 2024 16:47:03
Message: <67366fd7$1@news.povray.org>
On 11/14/24 09:33, Bald Eagle wrote:
> FYI:
> I noticed in the comments for the crackle source:

The comments in the code ahead of the crackle code itself come from the 
original authors. I found them interesting - and like you, I wondered if 
some were still true.

A few weeks ago I played with the idea of using crackle as base for a 
wood texture. It was just a quick test, but see the attached image. 
Aimed for pine, but ended up with something more like tulip poplar I 
think. :-) The code used is simple and I believe it would work with the 
crackle in official releases of POV-Ray too.

     plane { -z 0
         pigment {
             color_map {
                 [0.0 AppleBlossom ]
                 [0.2 AppleGreen  ]
                 [0.4 AppleGreen1 ]
                 [0.6 AppleGreen2 ]
                 [0.8 AppleGreen3 ]
                 [0.9 AppleGreen4 ]
                 [0.90 rgb 0 ]
                 [1.00 rgb 0 ]
             scale <1,1/12666.6667,1>
             rotate z*33.333
         finish { emission 1 }

> Just #include "v40textures.inc" or something . . .

I agree with your aim.

I believe POV-Ray has long been self-hindered with respect to developing 
good libraries of textures. Too many features on which textures / 
materials are based behave in unstable ways. Much of my effort with the 
yuqk fork has been to tune up the old core of code; To make existing 
features more stable and more flexible (You've helped - 'quilted' and 
'radial', for example). I'm still on that tune up bit...

Bill P.

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