POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.pov4.discussion.general : Height_fields and using wave modifiers. : Height_fields and using wave modifiers. Server Time
14 Sep 2024 18:11:44 EDT (-0400)
  Height_fields and using wave modifiers.  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 14 Feb 2023 12:50:39
Message: <63ebc9ef$1@news.povray.org>
In povray.general there's been a recent discussion on using functions to 
define height fields on the fly. I had the thought height_fields a good 
way to see how wave modifiers and warps can be used to change up 
patterns and 'terrain' too.

Attached is an image of 8 height_fields based upon a based on the 
granite pattern. Seven use only wave modifiers to change up the terrain. 
One uses a warp of directional turbulence.

Posting in this pov4 forum due using a couple of povr specific wave 
modifier updates. The ideas apply to official POV-Ray releases too.

Bill P.

// The core code for reference.
#declare FnBase    = function { pattern {
        	granite scale 0.7
         warp {
	turbulence <0.25,0.05,0> octaves 4 omega 0.6 lambda 2.3
#declare FnCubic   = function { pattern {
         // Povr's cubic_wave changed from POV-Ray's
         granite cubic_wave phase 0.3 frequency 1.77 scale 0.7 }
#declare FnSine    = function { pattern {
         granite sine_wave scale 0.7 }
#declare FnScallop = function { pattern {
         granite scallop_wave scale 0.7 }
#declare FnTri     = function { pattern {
         granite triangle_wave scale 0.7 }
#declare FnTriInv  = function { pattern {
         // Povr added an inverse wave modifier
         granite triangle_wave inverse scale 0.7 }
#declare FnPoly2_0 = function { pattern {
         granite poly_wave 2.0 scale 0.7 }
#declare FnPoly0_2 = function { pattern {
         granite poly_wave 0.2 scale 0.7 }
#declare Orange = srgb <1,0.50196,0>;
#declare HF_Base = height_field {
     function 800, 800 { FnBase(x,y,z) }
     smooth  // With smooth runs faster.
     scale <1,0.05,1>
     pigment { color Orange }
#declare Acorn = srgb <0.41569,0.36471,0.10588>;
#declare HF_Cubic = height_field {
     function 800, 800 { FnCubic(x,y,z) }
     smooth  // With smooth runs faster.
     scale <1,0.05,1>
     pigment { color Acorn }
#declare Akaroa = srgb <0.83137,0.76863,0.65882>;
#declare HF_Sine = height_field {
     function 800, 800 { FnSine(x,y,z) }
     smooth  // With smooth runs faster.
     scale <1,0.05,1>
     pigment { color Akaroa }
#declare Alpine = srgb <0.68627,0.56078,0.17255>;
#declare HF_Scallop = height_field {
     function 800, 800 { FnScallop(x,y,z) }
     smooth  // With smooth runs faster.
     scale <1,0.05,1>
     pigment { color Alpine }
#declare Amazonite = srgb <0,0.76863,0.6902>;
#declare HF_Tri = height_field {
     function 800, 800 { FnTri(x,y,z) }
     smooth  // With smooth runs faster.
     scale <1,0.05,1>
     pigment { color Amazonite }
#declare AndroidGreen = srgb <0.64314,0.77647,0.22353>;
#declare HF_TriInv = height_field {
     function 800, 800 { FnTriInv(x,y,z) }
     smooth  // With smooth runs faster.
     scale <1,0.05,1>
     pigment { color AndroidGreen }
#declare Apricot0 = srgb <0.92157,0.57647,0.45098>;
#declare HF_Poly2_0 = height_field {
     function 800, 800 { FnPoly2_0(x,y,z) }
     smooth  // With smooth runs faster.
     scale <1,0.05,1>
     pigment { color Apricot0 }
#declare AppleBlossom = srgb <0.68627,0.30196,0.26275>;
#declare HF_Poly0_2 = height_field {
     function 800, 800 { FnPoly0_2(x,y,z) }
     smooth  // With smooth runs faster.
     scale <1,0.05,1>
     pigment { color AppleBlossom }
#declare Union00 = union {
     object { HF_Base }
     object { HF_Cubic   translate <-1.0,0,0>}
     object { HF_Sine    translate <-0.5,0,1> }
     object { HF_Scallop translate <-2.0,0,-0.5> }
     object { HF_Tri     translate <-1.0,0,-1> }
     object { HF_TriInv  translate <0,0,-1> }
     object { HF_Poly2_0 translate <-0.5,0,-2>}
     object { HF_Poly0_2 translate <1,0,-0.5> }

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