Le 19-01-22 à 09:00, clipka a écrit :
> Am 22.01.2019 um 12:27 schrieb Kenneth:
>> Depending on the bump_size (the 0.001, vs. a larger value), the
>> resulting image
>> *might* look a bit noisy-- but my own recourse would be to render the
>> scene
>> with, say, 5 frames of an animation (no camera movement, but moving
>> the bumps
>> pattern in x via the clock, by some large random amount; then bring
>> those
>> images back into POV-Ray and 'average' them together (using the'average'
>> pattern) and then re-photograph the result 1-to-1 for the *final*
>> render. This
>> should help blend the noise.
> As I said, the new anti-aliasing mode 3 is your friend there: Just scale
> the bumps small enough, and it will take care of the rest, no extra work
> needed. It does this by randomly jittering the sample rays within the
> pixel, and adapting the number of samples to the variance it finds.
The anti-aliasing mode 2 may also be used here, but you need to increase
the recursion level to 4 or 5 and reduce the threshold to 0.1 or less.
The result won't be as good as with mode 3, but will probably be a
little faster.
Another option is to use a small amount of focal blur. Make the aperture
less than 1/1000 of the distance to the focal plane. This will force a
fair amount of oversampling.
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