Am 05.08.2015 um 03:04 schrieb Anthony D. Baye:
>> why not simply add a shader option to the texture block, and use something like
>> OSL for the shader language?
>> http://code.google.com/p/openshadinglanguage/
Uh... "simply"?
Maybe because we'd need to...
- design the new SDL in such a way that the OSL can be embedded therein
without conflict;
- design the new SDL parser in such a way that the OSL can be plugged
into it;
- design a layer that provides the exact features exposed to the user by
the OSL;
- prepare for a never-ending struggle to explain to users why feature X
is part of OSL but not supported by POV-Ray; and
- prepare for a never-ending struggle to explain to users why syntax Y
in the SDL doesn't do the same as in the OSL.
Thanks, but no thanks.
/Maybe/ OSL will be supported by some POV-Ray 4.5, as an /alternative/
to the native shader definition syntax. But not in POV-Ray 4.0, and
certainly not as the primary language for user-defined extensions.
> Then too, if we end up with an OO SDL, would the shader become an object?
> Perhaps a subclass of texture... or maybe a superclass... sibling?
Exactly that.
> At any rate, my point is why make the job more difficult by designing two
> complete languages, when we can use one that's already made.
Because (A) one of those two languages needs to be designed from scratch
anyway, in order to be suitable as a Scene Description Language for
users who don't want to be programmers.
I don't want users to have to write
MySphere = new sphere;
MySphere.center.x = 2.0;
MySphere.center.y = 1.0;
MySphere.center.z = 5.0;
MySphere.radius = 0.5;
when a specially-designed language could make it a one-liner, like it is
in the current SDL. I've yet to see a language other than SDL 3.x that
fits the bill; but I know that a language can be designed to achieve
that goal.
And (B) because the two complete languages will be just one. With a
different set of objects to manipulate, but the same underlying language
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