POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.pov4.discussion.general : Paralel GPU processor support for Nvidia CUDA architecture : Re: Paralel GPU processor support for Nvidia CUDA architecture Server Time
8 Oct 2024 08:20:21 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Paralel GPU processor support for Nvidia CUDA architecture  
From: clipka
Date: 19 Nov 2009 07:45:19
Message: <4b053ddf@news.povray.org>
Louis schrieb:

> Ok, so I wasn't the first to think of it :-s

Indeed :-)

> After thinking about it, I guess such one should only start supporting such
> architectures when a platform has been established that runs on at least two
> competitor's hardware.

... and when the architecture becomes flexible enough for the tasks at 
hand. The requirements of a raytracer differ a lot from those of a 

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