POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.pov4.discussion.general : Support of NURBS-Surfaces : Re: Support of NURBS-Surfaces Server Time
15 Oct 2024 15:54:49 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Support of NURBS-Surfaces  
From: scott
Date: 17 Nov 2009 09:57:31
Message: <4b02b9db$1@news.povray.org>
> Being able to adjust the detail level without having to re-export the 
> mesh?

I find it easier to do that in the modeller, there you can interactively see 
the size of the triangles and adjust the detail until it looks good without 
too much overkill.  Of course if you radically change the viewpoint or 
something you might need to re-export, but overall I find that faster than 
tweaking with parameters in POV (which is usually quite a slow process).

> I'm also not sure whether converting to triangles is an absolute 
> necessity.

Being able to render the patches directly without triangulating would be 
cool!  I guess you "just" need a ray-patch intersection formula - does such 
a thing exist?  Or use some kind of sampling method like media to find the 
surface?  I have no idea if that will be any faster than splitting up into 
pixel sized triangles.

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