Woody wrote:
> a) a very basic SDL (less difficult than what we have currently)
> b) an intermediate SDL (equal in difficulty or around as difficult to what we
> have currently)
> c) an advanced SDL (something that looks like C/C++ Java, Python, PHP, etc. or
> d) someother description not referenced above.
I kind of object to:
1) This partitioning scheme. An SDL can be both simple and advanced - in
that it you can do a lot using _simple_ syntax and features of the
language, but if you want to do even more, you can use more complex
features. However, a new user need not deal with those.
2) Your characterization of Python as something that may scare lots of
people away.
Well, OK, it _may_ scare people away compared to the current SDL. But
really - Python is well known for being a very easy language to learn if
you don't get in to the details (this is kind of my point 1 above). It's
a _lot_ easier to learn a little bit of Python and start coding than it
is C, C++, Java, or even Javascript. I've yet to come across any one who
tried learning Python and found it hard. They only complain about the
indenting issue.
Python's gaining ground with a lot of social scientists in academia. I
suspect it's ease of use without hindering the programmer (other than
via performance) is the reason.
The current SDL may be easy to learn, but it's a pain to do complex
things in it.
"Now we all know map companies hire guys who specialize in making map
folding a physical impossibility" - Adult Kevin Arnold in "Wonder Years"
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