POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Screen recording with picture-in-picture Server Time
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  Screen recording with picture-in-picture (Message 1 to 5 of 5)  
From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Screen recording with picture-in-picture
Date: 17 Mar 2020 19:05:00
Message: <web.5e71568f4ae69312fb0b41570@news.povray.org>
Due to the Zombie Apocalypse, I'm in need of something (preferably free) that
will allow doing the kind of videos where a yellow circle follows the cursor
around the screen, and a picture-in-picture sourced from webcam can be done.

Does anyone have any experience with these?

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From: Dick Balaska
Subject: Re: Screen recording with picture-in-picture
Date: 18 Mar 2020 03:16:19
Message: <5e71cac3$1@news.povray.org>
Am 3/17/20 7:00 PM, also sprach Bald Eagle:
> Due to the Zombie Apocalypse, I'm in need of something (preferably free) that
> will allow doing the kind of videos where a yellow circle follows the cursor
> around the screen, and a picture-in-picture sourced from webcam can be done.
> Does anyone have any experience with these?
> Thanks!

I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about, but
I've got a kid who's decided to be a gaming youtube star.  Starting here

I'm looking at exploring OBS Studio
which does screen capture with webcam picture-in-picture.

It runs on both OSs, country and western.
(That may be a bit too obtuse. It's a Blue's Brothers reference.
"What kind of music do you got here?"
"We got both kinds, country and western")

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Screen recording with picture-in-picture
Date: 18 Mar 2020 06:54:40
Message: <5e71fdf0$1@news.povray.org>
On 18/03/2020 07:16, Dick Balaska wrote:

> It runs on both OSs, country and western.
> (That may be a bit too obtuse. It's a Blue's Brothers reference.
> "What kind of music do you got here?"
> "We got both kinds, country and western")

Which reminds me of this:

Or maybe you meant:




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From: Bald Eagle
Subject: Re: Screen recording with picture-in-picture
Date: 18 Mar 2020 07:25:01
Message: <web.5e72045deb77c05efb0b41570@news.povray.org>
Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoftcom> wrote:

> I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about, but
> I've got a kid who's decided to be a gaming youtube star.

Don't they all.  ;)
I will check out the details in the link.

Look at:
for P-I-P

I guess the yellow circle is just a mouse-pointer highlight that can be separate
from the vid software.

> I'm looking at exploring OBS Studio
> https://obsproject.com/
> which does screen capture with webcam picture-in-picture.

Yes, I've seen that.  I've used OBS on M$ Windoze briefly.  I need to get it to
work with my on-screen webcam or the Logitech USB webcam.

> It runs on both OSs, country and western.
> (That may be a bit too obtuse.

No - it's dated.   Because you're old.   :P
Which is why I got it right away.

And Stephen decided to step right in as well.   :D  :D

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Screen recording with picture-in-picture
Date: 18 Mar 2020 14:23:07
Message: <5e72670b@news.povray.org>
On 18/03/2020 11:22, Bald Eagle wrote:
> And Stephen decided to step right in as well.   :D  :D

The Blues Brothers who could resist? :)



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