Blender and POV-Ray are not really Competitors as theoretically you can render
using POV-Ray with the things that you modell in Blender.
I am not sure it makes sense for me, because i was never that good with POV-Ray,
but you can do that.
And here we are. In my video i show how you can describe a scene in Blender in
Python instead of using the UI.
And that was the moment when i remembered POV-Ray.
I like it to have an Textfile that just describes the scene.
And in Blender it also describes the Rigid Body physics as well.
In my new video i explain that.
And if you want you can render it with POV-Ray instead of using Evee (the
Blender realtime renderer).
Here is my video on that topic. If you ever wanted to code a POV-Ray Scene in
Python (the geometry maybe not the material) then this video gives you a start.
Blender Rigid Body in Python, 3 secrets.
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