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I just discovered this site via a comment to a post.
Not making any judgments on the site's claims or interpretations, but I have
always loved ruins and archaeological mysteries.
It will probably take me a month (or more) to explore all of the beautiful
photographs of these amazing sites.
Just thought I'd share the wonder and the beauty:
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On 3-12-2017 16:22, Bald Eagle wrote:
> I just discovered this site via a comment to a post.
> Not making any judgments on the site's claims or interpretations, but I have
> always loved ruins and archaeological mysteries.
> It will probably take me a month (or more) to explore all of the beautiful
> photographs of these amazing sites.
> Just thought I'd share the wonder and the beauty:
> http://www.megaliths.org/
Thanks. Interesting, but totally unscientific. ;-)
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> Thanks. Interesting, but totally unscientific. ;-)
Yes, I was more interested because they had so many sites collected in one place
with a fair number of photographs.
I was watching one of the YouTube links, and some lady starts doing her Peter
Jennings interpretation and then goes off on this past-life thing, and I decided
I was done with that one.
But there are indeed many sites I was unaware of.
Some of those stone blocks are BIG :O
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On 4-12-2017 12:13, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
>> Thanks. Interesting, but totally unscientific. ;-)
> Yes, I was more interested because they had so many sites collected in one place
> with a fair number of photographs.
> I was watching one of the YouTube links, and some lady starts doing her Peter
> Jennings interpretation and then goes off on this past-life thing, and I decided
> I was done with that one.
> But there are indeed many sites I was unaware of.
> Some of those stone blocks are BIG :O
I didn't watch closely, but imo some/many are natural features and not
man-made at all.
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On 03/12/2017 15:22, Bald Eagle wrote:
> ... but I have
> always loved ruins and archaeological mysteries.
regards, jr.
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