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Am 12/26/19 7:52 PM, also sprach jr:
> hi,
> sorry for the delay, not forgotten, just occupied with fussing over a new
> machine. :-)
Whadja get? Whadja get!
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Dick Balaska <dic### [at] buckosoftcom> wrote:
> Am 12/26/19 7:52 PM, also sprach jr:
> > sorry for the delay, not forgotten, just occupied with fussing over a new
> > machine. :-)
> Whadja get? Whadja get!
contain yourself! :-)
lucked out, the local internet cafe cum computer repair shop had what he billed
"a 2nd hand games machine". bought it without the (Radeon) graphics, and had
the old h/disk swapped for (smaller but brand new) ssd.
jr@swift:6:tmp$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | sort -u
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
heat sink). running a first version of the custom kernel, so far so good.
jr@swift:7:tmp$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 4.4.202-avian (dummy@swift) (gcc version 5.5.0 (GCC) ) #2 SMP Tue
Dec 24 10:54:33 GMT 2019
regards, jr.
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