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  Edit MP3 on iPhone 6 (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Reuben Pearse
Subject: Edit MP3 on iPhone 6
Date: 17 Aug 2018 02:53:12
Message: <5b7670d8$1@news.povray.org>
Hi folks,

I would like to be able to edit MP3 files on my iPhone, but so far 
haven't found a set of apps that will let me do what I want. I like to 
listen to various EDM podcats (e.g. Above & Beyond, etc.), but then trim 
out the tunes I like (rather than keep the whole episode). I can do this 
on a PC by downloading the MP3 file (from Podbean or similar) and then 
trim/edit the MP3 using Audacity. I would like to do same on my iPhone. 
I downloaded a free app called Hokusai2 that looks like it can trim/edit 
an MP3. The problem is that I can't get it to locate where the 
MP3/podcast files are on my iPhone. The built in Podcast app on the 
iPhone looks like it has the ability to download episodes but I can 
never find the files. I've also tried Castbox as this has a "download" 
option, but again I've no idea where the file is on my iPhone (Apple 
seem to hide the filesystem from the user very welll!). I've also tried 
browsing to the Podbean site from Safari but when I try and find the MP3 
file (like I do on the PC), it detects I'm on an iPhone and prompts me 
to install the Podbean app. Some advice would be greatly appreciated.



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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Edit MP3 on iPhone 6
Date: 17 Aug 2018 06:20:51
Message: <5b76a183@news.povray.org>
Am 17.08.2018 um 08:53 schrieb Reuben Pearse:

> Some advice would be greatly appreciated.

If you're the type of person to toy around with software to make it do
stuff it wasn't originally designed to do, I suspect you may have chosen
the wrong smartphone brand: The Apple ecosystem's biggest advantage and
drawback is that it is very good at hiding the technical details from
the user.

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