> On 09/11/2011 04:57 PM, Invisible wrote:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Liveaudioequip.jpg
>> Come to my cave...
> I can't help wondering what the hell you need this much equipment for?
Because you're a professional band playing concerts in large halls and
need to sound good? Most venues will have at least a 24 track sound
board, I don't see what's so special about that.
Since I know you're a keyboard player, do a google image search on Keith
Emerson some time, you'll either have an orgasm, or a heart attack.
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>> I can't help wondering what the hell you need this much equipment for?
> Because you're a professional band playing concerts in large halls and
> need to sound good?
IME, live music usually sounds fairly awful. I guess it's just very
difficult to fill a very large space with sound and not have it drowned
in echo.
> Most venues will have at least a 24 track sound
> board, I don't see what's so special about that.
OK. So that explains why one panel is a big mixing deck. Now what the
heck are the 4 other racks of equipment?
> Since I know you're a keyboard player, do a google image search on Keith
> Emerson some time, you'll either have an orgasm, or a heart attack.
Hehe, my dad has a DVD of that guy sticking knife blades in a tortured
old organ. Poor thing...
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