Inception floating/rolling hotel scene shooting.
Very cool.
Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
"How did he die?" "He got shot in the hand."
"That was fatal?"
"He was holding a live grenade at the time."
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Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
> Inception floating/rolling hotel scene shooting.
> Very cool.
I think most people overestimate what can be done with computers, and
dismiss most stunts and effects as computer-generated, without really
understanding what it would actually require for it to be computer
generated. (Computers still can't render and animate believable humans.
We are way too good at distinguishing even really subtle signs of
non-human appearance and behavior, and the curve towards the uncanny
valley is really steep.)
Also, in many cases it just is easier to build a set than render it
photorealistically with a computer, especially if the there are non-static
props that have to obey physics.
- Warp
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